Euroregion Elbe/Labe


This is where you find all news from Euroregion Elbe/Labe since April 2020. Older news can be found in the archive.

September 2020

Slid in! 30 years of East Germany in a united Europe

New joint website of the Europe Direct centers in the new federal states “ Reingeschlittert! 30 Years of East Germany in a United Europe ”with interviews, podcasts and interesting facts from the individual regions!

Germans in the Czech Republic for 48 hours without subsequent quarantine

The Saxon Minister of Health Petra Köpping informed on Tuesday that Germans can stay in the Czech Republic for 48 hours without having to be in quarantine.

Ústí region is now also corona risk area

The German government is now adding the regions of Ústí and Moravia-Silesia, which were excluded on Wednesday, and thus the whole of the Czech Republic to the list of risk areas.

Ústí region is no risk area (yet)

The Robert Koch Institute today declared the whole of the Czech Republic a risk area, with the exception of the Ústí and Moravian-Silesian regions.

Neighbouring language right from the start!

The Saxon Office for early neighouring language education has provided the offices of the Euroregions with a neighboring language suitcase for free lending.

Corona "yellow light" in Ústí

The Czech government has set all four districts in the Elbe/Labe Euroregion (Ústí, Děčín, Teplice and Litoměřice) to the second highest corona warning level.

Sports games of two Euroregions in Bílina

On Friday, 18.09.2020 in Bílina (about 15 km from Teplice) took place the 5th sports games of two Euroregions.

Funding for small projects approved last Friday

Last Friday, the local steering committee of the Elbe / Labe Euroregion gave the green light for four German-Czech projects with EU funding of around EUR 35,600.

Prague is corona risk area - travel restrictions in effect

On September 9th, Prague was classified as a risk area. This means that when entering Germany, quarantine is mandatory.

Online seminars for volunteers until December 2020

In the period from September to December 2020, the Aktion Zivilcourage eV organizes a series of online seminars as part of the voluntary training forum.

Bohemian travel pictures - photographs by Peter R. Fischer

Vernissage of the exhibition • 13.9. • 16 o'clock • Radfahrerkirche Stadt Wehlen

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