Euroregion Elbe/Labe


This is where you find all news from Euroregion Elbe/Labe since April 2020. Older news can be found in the archive.

November 2020

From November 16 Germany is in the red category.

The Czech government decided yesterday that Germany will belong to the red category as of November 16.

From 9.11. less limited entry to the Czech Republic from Germany

From November 9th you can travel from Germany to the Czech Republic again without restrictions. This applies to all countries in the green and orange category.

Dresden Poetry Award - with Euroregion Audience Award

The Dresden Poetry Prize will be awarded on 8 November, including an audience award sponsored by the Euroregion Elbe/Labe.

New corona rules in Saxony - also for entry from the Czech Republic

From tomorrow, new rules to fight the Corona pandemic in Saxony will apply. This includes new quarantine rules for entry into Saxony from the Czech Republic.

October 2020

Also in Dresden masks are mandatory outside

Due to the increasing number of infections, new regulations come into force today, including compulsory wearing of masks even outdoors in the city center.

Czech government decides further measures against corona pandemic

Numerous shops and service providers will close from Thursday, and people will be restricted from moving freely.

30 years of the Saxon Switzerland National Park - a special day for the anniversary

30 years of the Saxon Switzerland National Park - a special day for the anniversary and further articles from the area of the national park, experiences and regional topics can be found in the 127th SandsteinSchweizer newsletter.

The XXX. General meeting of the municipal association Euroregion Labe was canceled

The planned general meeting of the Euroregion Labe on October 15th, 2020 was canceled due to the epidemiological situation in the Czech Republic.

Stricter pandemic measures in the Czech Republic

Stricter regulations to combat the COVID-19 pandemic came into force in the Czech Republic today. Cultural and sporting events are now completely banned.

Christian Preußcher passed away

On October 3rd Christian Preußcher died, who was managing director of the Euroregion Elbe / Labe on the German side for 22 years.

From today 30 days of Corona emergency in the Czech Republic

The Czech government has declared a national corona emergency for 30 days from October 5, 2020. Numerous measures are associated with this to overcome the crisis.

September 2020

Slid in! 30 years of East Germany in a united Europe

New joint website of the Europe Direct centers in the new federal states “ Reingeschlittert! 30 Years of East Germany in a United Europe ”with interviews, podcasts and interesting facts from the individual regions!

Germans in the Czech Republic for 48 hours without subsequent quarantine

The Saxon Minister of Health Petra Köpping informed on Tuesday that Germans can stay in the Czech Republic for 48 hours without having to be in quarantine.

Ústí region is now also corona risk area

The German government is now adding the regions of Ústí and Moravia-Silesia, which were excluded on Wednesday, and thus the whole of the Czech Republic to the list of risk areas.

Ústí region is no risk area (yet)

The Robert Koch Institute today declared the whole of the Czech Republic a risk area, with the exception of the Ústí and Moravian-Silesian regions.

Neighbouring language right from the start!

The Saxon Office for early neighouring language education has provided the offices of the Euroregions with a neighboring language suitcase for free lending.

Corona "yellow light" in Ústí

The Czech government has set all four districts in the Elbe/Labe Euroregion (Ústí, Děčín, Teplice and Litoměřice) to the second highest corona warning level.

Sports games of two Euroregions in Bílina

On Friday, 18.09.2020 in Bílina (about 15 km from Teplice) took place the 5th sports games of two Euroregions.

Funding for small projects approved last Friday

Last Friday, the local steering committee of the Elbe / Labe Euroregion gave the green light for four German-Czech projects with EU funding of around EUR 35,600.

Prague is corona risk area - travel restrictions in effect

On September 9th, Prague was classified as a risk area. This means that when entering Germany, quarantine is mandatory.

Online seminars for volunteers until December 2020

In the period from September to December 2020, the Aktion Zivilcourage eV organizes a series of online seminars as part of the voluntary training forum.

Bohemian travel pictures - photographs by Peter R. Fischer

Vernissage of the exhibition • 13.9. • 16 o'clock • Radfahrerkirche Stadt Wehlen

August 2020

Expert discussion "The Elbe - common natural heritage" - registration only until 3 September 2020

The Saxon Switzerland National Park Center invites you to an expert discussion on Thursday, September 10, 2020.

July 2020

Mountaineering choir makes a guest appearance in the baroque garden

The Saxon mountaineering choir "Kurt Schlosser" Dresden will give a guest performance on Sunday, August 16, 2020 in the baroque garden Großsedlitz.

The submission deadline for applications for small project funding ends on July 24th

The new applications for German-Czech small projects must be submitted by July 24th.

Participants for Heuhoj - Camp welcome!

Green League Osterzgebirge e. V. and the Czech association Lužický horský spolek are organizing a German-Czech camp in the Eastern Ore Mountains in late July and late September. Registrations for the end of September are still possible.

June 2020

Six new small projects funded

Last Friday the funding for 6 new projects from the Euroregion's Small Projects Fund was approved.

Interesting places in Euroregion Elbe/Labe

New content on our website: interactive map of interesting destinations in the Euroregion.

Announcement of German-Czech Journalist Award

Proposals for the German-Czech Journalism Award can be submitted until June 30th, 2020.

SAVE THE DATE: Symposium on October 7th, 2020 on growing up multilingual

"Our neighbors among us: How can growing up multilingual be supported in everyday daycare?"

Yes, the border is open.

Today at 12am the Czech-German border was reopened, at least from the Czech side.

Border already open tomorrow?

Prime minister Babiš announced today, that the Czech-German border is going to be complete opened already tomorrow.

Germany is green - the border will be open soon!

The Czech government has decided that as of June 15th, there will be no restrictions on travel to and from safe countries - including Germany.

May 2020

Several meetings at the German-Czech border planned tomorrow

There are 12 meetings planned along the Czech-Saxon border on May 30th.

Only random border controls, trains runnig again

From tomorrow, checks will only be carried out at the border at random. Some cross-border Eurocity trains are running again.

WiFi4EU | Free WiFi in public

Free Internet in parks, on large squares, in public buildings, libraries, health centers and museums all over Europe - this is what WiFi4EU should do.

Several meetings at the German-Czech border

Yesterday people from the Czech Republic and Germany met again at the common border to demand it to be opened.

This Saturday for neighbourhood

Again this Saturday, May 16, Czechs and Germans will meet again at the border to keep contact despite the closure.

Survey on cross-border funding 2021-2027

In preparation for the funding period beginning in 2021, a general survey is being conducted to select the funding priorities of the cooperation program Saxony-Czech Republic .

More border crossings to Czechia will be opened on May 11th

From Monday, May 11th, it will be possible for all groups of people to cross the Saxon-Czech border at places that are currently only open for commuters and road freight traffic, as well as at three other places.

Petition to open the Dolní Poustevna - Sebnitz border crossing for commuters

The mayor of Dolní Poustevna, Robert Holec, petitioned the Czech government to open the Dolní Poustevna - Sebnitz border crossing to commuters.

Meeting along the closed border

On May 2nd, people from the Czech Republic and Germany met at six locations along the closed border to underline their desire to open the border.

How many Czechs are acually working in Saxony?

A DGB (trade unions) report shows that about 11,000 Czechs work in Saxony (as of 30.06.2019). It explains even more interesting details, also for Euroregion Elbe/Labe.

April 2020

Forest fire on border defeated together - despite corona

A forest fire near Zinnwald was extinguished yesterday by German and Czech fire brigades together. The border was opened for that, despite Corona.

German-Czech border slightly more open again

Starting April 27th, there is more business travel permitted across the German-Czech border. Tourist travel or private visits are still not allowed.

Trade unions from border region want open borders

In a joint declaration, trade unions from Germany, Poland and the Czech Republic demand the immediate restoration of freedom of movement in the border triangle.

14 new small projects get funding

The funding of 14 new projects out of the Small Projects Fund in the Euroregion Elbe/Labe was decided by circulation procedure.

DTJV criticizes closed borders

The German-Czech Lawyer's Association considers the closing of the border between the Czech Republic and Germany to be unnecessary.

Corona help from German-Czech Future Funds

The German-Czech Future Funds starts programs to help people active in cross-border coperation and organisations in the German-Czech border region through the corona crisis.

Communication from the SAB to the project sponsors on the corona crisis

The outbreak of COVID-19 also affects the implementation of the cooperation program Saxony - Czech Republic 2014 - 2020. Read a message from the SAB here on how to deal with this situation.

March 2020

Information on the implementation of small projects in the Corona crisis
Volunteer positions at Tandem Regensburg and Pilsen

Volunteers wanted! one volunteer for 1 year in the project in Pilsen and two volunteers for Tandem in Regenburg from September 1st

Information event on March 25, 2020 in Dippoldiswalde

Information event to support cross-border projects by the Euroregion Elbe / Labe on Wednesday, March 25, 2020 at 6 p.m. in the Dippoldiswalde park halls (small hall).

February 2020

Select Czech Republic: Tereza Semotamová - In the closet (Ve skříni)

Reading and discussion with the author and translator on April 21, 2020 at 7:30 p.m. in the Dresden Central Library

Meeting of the Euroregions Elbe / Labe and Erzgebirge / Krušnohoří with Hejtman of the Ústí district

The traditional meeting of the captain of the Ústí region, Oldřich Bubeníček, and his colleagues with representatives of the Labe and Krušnoroří Euroregions took place in Ústí nad Labem on Tuesday, February 18, 2020.

Work as volunteer in Cultural Centre Řehlovice from March to October

At the cultural centre Řehlovice in the Czech Republic, a volunteer position is available from 01.03. to 31.10.2020.

January 2020

Announcement Summer Course Scholarships Czech Republic 2020

The Ministry of Education, Youth and Sport of the Czech Republic awards scholarships for participation in 2020 university summer courses at the universities in Brno, České Budějovice, Olomouc, Plzeň, Poděbrady and Prague.

Joint secretariat in Dresden offers place for volunteer
Collegium Bohemicum is looking for a new cultural manager
Apply for small projects by January 31st

The first submission deadline for funding from the Euroregion's small project fund ends on January 31.

EAB: Czech-German Young Professionals Program

As part of the Czech-German Young Professionals Program of the European Academy Berlin, 14 young people can enjoy an interesting program for professional development. The application deadline is January 31, 2020.

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