Euroregion Elbe/Labe


This is where you find all news from Euroregion Elbe/Labe since April 2020. Older news can be found in the archive.

April 2022

Scholarships for art summer academy 2022 in Dresden

Scholarships will be awarded for the 25th International Dresden Summer Academy for Fine Arts from July 24th to August 6th. Participants from the Czech Republic and Poland receive special support. Application deadline is June 12th.

Help wanted to extend the Euroregion website

The Euroregion is looking for a freelancer to research excursion destinations in the region and enter them on the Euroregion's website.

Angažujeme se s kuráží: Pomoc uprhlíkům v Sasku av Čechách – struktury a zkušenosti

28.4.22 from 10-12 h se uskuteční nové vydání našeho česko-německého debatního formátu "Debatujeme kurážně odvážně". Tentokrát budeme hovořit o strukturách a zkušenostech v pomoci uprchlikům v Česku av Sasku vzhledem k uprchlikům proudícím v důsledku války na Ukrajině do sousedních zemí.

Kulturní pas EEL na 2022

The culture pass for the Euroregion Elbe/Labe 2022 will be available from April.

Fine Czech Republic: Lenka Reinerová - farewell to my mother

Author's reading and discussion on April 28th in the Dresden Central Library

145. Swiss Sandstone - Release for April 2022 by the Saxon Switzerland National Park Administration

what's new

Video tutorial about cross-border partnership of kindergartens

This video explains the possibilities of cross-border partnerships of daycare centers.

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