Euroregion Elbe/Labe


This is where you find all news from Euroregion Elbe/Labe since April 2020. Older news can be found in the archive.

March 2021

RKI downgrades the Czech Republic - border traffic facilitated

As of today, the Czech Republic is no longer a special risk area due to virus variants, but only due to the high number of infections. This makes border traffic a little easier.

Four new small projects approved

On March 19 Funding for four small Saxon-Czech projects with a funding volume of € 52,048.60 was approved in an online session.


Die Technische Universität Dresden, Institut für Politikwissenschaft, die Univerzita J.E. Purkyné Usti nad Labem, Katedra politologie, die Euroregion Elbe/Labe, und die Aktion Zivilcourage e.V., Pirna kooperieren seit März gemeinsam in einem tschechisch-deutschen Modellprojekt zum Thema Demokratieförderung und Zivilcourage.

Science is interested in cross-border commuters

Newcastle University is conducting a scientific study on the situation of cross-border commuters in Germany during the corona pandemic.

132.SandstoneSwiss | March 2021 published by the Saxon Switzerland National Park Administration<p class='autotranslation_message'>(This is an automatic translation by Google Translator.)</p>

The Saxon Switzerland National Park Administration has published the spring edition of SandsteinSchweizers.

(This is an automatic translation by Google Translator.)

Result of the IHK survey: border closure is disproportionate

Last week the Chamber of Commerce and Industry Chemnitz carried out a survey on the effects of the border closure with the Czech Republic on Saxon companies. Based on their results, the border closure is described as disproportionate.

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