Euroregion Elbe/Labe


This is where you find all news from Euroregion Elbe/Labe since April 2020. Older news can be found in the archive.

November 2021

Euroregion funds another 9 projects

The local steering committee decided today to support 5 Saxon and 4 Czech projects from the small project fund.

Job offer from SAB

Looking for students who are enthusiastic about Europe!

Zdravotní péče v česko-německém příhraničí

Zdravotní péče v česko-německém příhračním regionu: tomuto tématu se bude věnovat příští debata 25.11.2021 at 7 p.m. v hybridním formátu discuze s českými a německými experty.

140. Sandstone Swiss - Issued for November by the Saxon Switzerland National Park Administration

What's new in the Saxon Switzerland National Park?

Exposition "Our Germans" open from Nov. 18th

Long awaited, it is finally there: The exhibition on the history of the German-speaking people in the Bohemian countries is open from November 18th.

Six-Region Dialogue - in online format

Discuss with us!

As a follow-up event on "European interfaces: Cross-border commuters in conversation", people from Saxony, Lower Silesia, the regions of Karlovy Vary, Usti, Baden-Württemberg and Grand-Est can share their common experiences as citizens of a border region, especially in the Corona region. Pandemic, speak and discuss. Make yourself heard!

The interfaces of Europe: Discussing border regions

On November 27, 2021 we invite 60-80 citizens from Saxony (Germany), Lower Silesia (Poland), the Karlovy Vary region and the Ústí region (Czech Republic) to an initial online dialogue. It is about current challenges and questions about the future of the EU. The event is also the basis for the subsequent 6-region dialogue.

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