Euroregion Elbe/Labe


This is where you find all news from Euroregion Elbe/Labe since April 2020. Older news can be found in the archive.

October 2020

Also in Dresden masks are mandatory outside

Due to the increasing number of infections, new regulations come into force today, including compulsory wearing of masks even outdoors in the city center.

Czech government decides further measures against corona pandemic

Numerous shops and service providers will close from Thursday, and people will be restricted from moving freely.

30 years of the Saxon Switzerland National Park - a special day for the anniversary

30 years of the Saxon Switzerland National Park - a special day for the anniversary and further articles from the area of the national park, experiences and regional topics can be found in the 127th SandsteinSchweizer newsletter.

The XXX. General meeting of the municipal association Euroregion Labe was canceled

The planned general meeting of the Euroregion Labe on October 15th, 2020 was canceled due to the epidemiological situation in the Czech Republic.

Stricter pandemic measures in the Czech Republic

Stricter regulations to combat the COVID-19 pandemic came into force in the Czech Republic today. Cultural and sporting events are now completely banned.

Christian Preußcher passed away

On October 3rd Christian Preußcher died, who was managing director of the Euroregion Elbe / Labe on the German side for 22 years.

From today 30 days of Corona emergency in the Czech Republic

The Czech government has declared a national corona emergency for 30 days from October 5, 2020. Numerous measures are associated with this to overcome the crisis.

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