Euroregion Elbe/Labe


This is where you find all news from Euroregion Elbe/Labe since April 2020. Older news can be found in the archive.

July 2024

Weekly review no. 41

Former Hejtman competes again - 10 years of the National Park Railway celebrated - Sculpture exhibition on July 27 in Řehlovice - Germany not so unpopular with the Czechs

Annual pass for Schlösserland Sachsen on offer for just 48 euros

The schlösserlandKARTE for 1 year, which gives you free admission to 40 castles, palaces, gardens, parks, monasteries etc. in Saxony, is currently available for just 48 euros (instead of 60).

Weekly review no. 40

Major step forward for the Ore Mountains protected area - Population decline in the Czech Republic - Krupka closes Kyšperk castle ruins - Building permit in 30 days - Sokol Congress celebrates in Prague

10 years of the Sebnitz-Dolní Poustevna link will be celebrated on July 5

The anniversary of the closing of the gap will be celebrated at the stations in Sebnitz and Dolní Poustevna, including a special train from Prague.

June 2024

Czech Film Wednesday on July 3: »Marečku, podejte mi pero!« (Marecek, pass me the pen!)

On July 3 at 8 pm, we will be showing the film "Marečku, podejte mi pero!" (Marecek, pass me the pen!) from 1976 at Zentralkino Dresden.

Weekly review no. 39

Bezirk Ústí stimmt Schnellbahntrasse zu – Neuer tschechischer Botschafter in Berlin – Stabile Brutzahlen bei Wanderfalken – Umfrage: Mehrheit für Dosenpfand – Wenzelsplatz erhält künftig Tram

35th General Assembly of the Labe Euroregion

On Tuesday, June 25, 2024, the 35th meeting of the General Assembly of the Voluntary Association of Municipalities of the Labe Euroregion took place at the Municipality of Ústí nad Labem.

Another 15 Czech-Saxon projects approved

The 3rd meeting of the Local Steering Committee of the Small Projects Fund of the Euroregion Elbe/Labe took place on Friday, June 21, 2024.

Weekly review no. 38

2 Mrd. Dollar für Chipfabrik in Tschechien – Bezirk Liberec will Berghotel Jeschken sanieren – Präsident Pavel auf Besuch in Nordböhmen – Biertrinker sollen wertvolle Grablege retten – Museum Česká Lípa übernimmt Heimatarchiv Waldkraiburg – Zukunftsfonds bewilligt deutsch-tschechische Projekte

Weekly review no. xx

A lesson to be learned in the Czech Republic too – exchanging old crowns ends up in banks – Ústí district attracts filmmakers as a film location – specialist conference on “homesick tourism” of displaced persons in Teplice

Temporary shutdown of the online application system in the Small Projects Fund from 9 to 16 July

From 9 to 16 July 2024, the online application system of the Small Projects Fund in the Elbe/Labe Euroregion will be temporarily shut down.

Results of the 2024 European elections - Ústí District
Weekly review no. 36

Schweres Zugunglück fordert vier Tote – In Tschechien wird bereits gewählt – Krupka saniert St.-Wolfgang-Kapelle – Neue Attraktionen am Milada-See – Neue Züge zwischen Děčín und Rumburk

May 2024

Weekly review no. 35

Czech Republic is ice hockey world champion – garrison towns receive funding – border controls are extended – gas transit fees are abolished – financing of the Beneš Bridge is clarified

»»Rok ďabla«« (The Year of the Devil) on June 5 at Czech Film Wednesday

The extraordinary and award-winning film about well-known Czech musicians will be shown on June 5th at 8 p.m. in the Zentralkino Dresden.

Night of the Churches in Czechia on June 7

On the Night of Churches on June 7, 1,757 churches and prayer houses throughout the Czech Republic will be open.

Weekly review no. 34

Spektakuläre Kunst am Prager Kaufhaus Máj – Kleiner E-Auto-Boom in Tschechien – 60. Beethoven-Festival in Teplice – Präsident Pavel leicht verletzt nach Motorradunfall – Teplice zeigt Ausstellung über den Hohnsteiner Kasper – Neue Elbfähre zum Kult-Freibad

Weekly review no. 33

Partial confession in arson trial – Wolfsberg Tower reopened – Police report more violations in motorway tunnel – Ústí Museum wins prize

Discussion on the status of German-Czech cooperation on May 27 in Dresden

On May 27th from 1 p.m. a panel discussion will take place in the Dresden Environmental Center under the title "20 years of joint projects: Where is Czech-German cooperation heading?"

Weekly review no. xx

Czech Republic closes first open-cast mine – Trains to Krupka soon to return – Chemnitz christens tram "Ústí nad Labem" – Ice Hockey World Championship starts in Czech Republic

Weekly review no. 31

Hřensko's new mayor wants to close border huts – Jeschken cable car to be extended – Pirna students translate fate of a Winton child – Steinmeier and von der Leyen in Prague

April 2024

Conference about displaced persons, (homesick) tourists and 'new settlers' on June 9-11 in Teplice

Together with the German Society, we invite you to a conference on displaced persons in the GDR, their "homesick tourism" to their old homeland in Czechoslovakia and their encounters with "new settlers" there from 9 to 11 June in Teplice.

Weekly review no. 30

New location for Czech lithium production – Roma memorial opened – Žatec wins title of “Historic City of the Czech Republic” – New Elbe bridges for pedestrians and cyclists

»Obecná škola« (The Elementary School) on May 1st at Czech Film Wednesday

On May 1st, the day of love (and not work!) in the Czech Republic, we will be showing the wonderful feel-good film »Obecná škola« (The Elementary School) by father and son Svěrák at 8 p.m. in the Zentralkino Dresden.

Weekly review no. 29

100 years of the Erzgebirge Theatre in Teplice – Interest in the European Union is growing in the Czech Republic – High-speed rail line: decision in June – Whooping cough wave in northern Bohemia

Kick-off conference of the German-Czech project "Neighbouring language from the start!"

Immerse yourself in the neighboring language spa at the joint project launch on April 29, 2024 in Ústí nad Labem and find out exactly what is planned in this project.

Weekly review no. 28

Ústí District modernizes Rumburk Hospital – Děčín acquires electric buses – Unemployment highest in Northern Bohemia – The Bystroň affair and the Czech newspaper Deník N

Eight German-Czech projects receive funding

Today, funding for eight German-Czech projects from the small projects fund of the Euroregion Elbe/Labe was approved.

Weekly review no. 27

Česká Kamenice has an astronomical clock again – Construction of the Eger cycle path begins – German-language tours of the Ústí Zoo – Day without rushing

March 2024

»Bílá nemoc« on April 3rd at Czech Film Wednesday

The 1937 film “Bílá nemoc” (The White Disease) used the example of a fictional dictatorship to draw attention to the dangers of fascism.

Weekly review no. 26

Giant Easter egg in Jablonné v Podještědí - Start of the tourist railway season - Easter riding in Mikulášovice - NGOs criticize the housing situation in Prague

Weekly review no. x

Präsident Petr Pavel zu Besuch in Dresden – Ausstellung des Reliquienschatzes des Prager Veitsdoms im Lipsiusbau – Ústí verabschiedet legendäre Škoda-Obusse – Filmfestival »Jeden svět« gestartet – Mehr Zugverbindungen nach Prag – Sanierte Synagoge in Žatec eröffnet – Tschechische Literatur in Leipzig

Filmfestival "One World" also in Ústí und Děčín

The human rights film festival “Everyone Svět” will take place in Ústí nad Labem until March 23rd and in Děčín from April 10th to 13th.

Now also in German: Video about Edmund's gorge and Gabriela's path

German subtitles make the interesting video understandable even without knowledge of the Czech language.

Weekly review no. 24

Edmundsklamm closed for another three years - Děčín Zoo car-free for three months - Czech Republic celebrates 25 years of NATO membership - Discontent between Prague and Bratislava

Circulation procedure No.1

On March 4, 2024, circulation procedure No. 1 took place in the Elbe/Labe Euroregion.

Weekly review no. 23

Vorerst keine RegioJet-Züge nach Prag – Bischofsweihe in Litoměřice – Tschechien stärkt Deutsch – Sowjetdenkmal muss weichen

Weekly review no. 22

Direct bus from Schmilka to Prebischtor - Elbe shipyard near Děčín is insolvent - Average income in the Czech Republic is around 10,700 euros - Small ski areas are drawing a line - Parliament rejects "marriage for all".

Constitutive meeting of the local steering committee of the KPF EEL

On Friday, February 2, 2024, the first meeting of the KPF EEL took place in Ústí nad Labem.

February 2024

»Rozpuštěný a vypuštěný« on March 6 at Czech Film Wednesday

With the crime thriller “Rozpuštěný a vypuštěný” (Dissolved and Drained) we will be releasing on March 6th. a small insight into the Jára Cimrman universe of the legendary duo Svěrák/Smoljak.

Weekly review no. 21

New prices for motorway tolls in the Czech Republic – Flooding again in Dolní Žleb – Corruption scandal in Ústí – Legendary express train is traveling to Prague again

Weekly review no. 20

Mandau-Radweg wird verlängert – Kirchenbezirk Dresden-Mitte schließt Partnerschaft mit Děčín – Schneemangel bedroht Grundwasser – Innenministerin kündigt Verlängerung der Grenzkontrollen an

We are looking for employees for a project with kindergartens

The Euroregion is looking for two new language assistants for a project on neighborhood language education in kindergartens.

Weekly review no. 19

Děčín is renovating the Long Drive – Ski resorts defy the thaw – Czech Republic still without euro – Former ambassador to Germany František Černý is dead

Weekly review no. 18

Overburden excavator near Most should become an attraction - The path to the Grundmühle is partially closed - The legendary Kotva department store is being renovated - The largest battery storage facility in the Czech Republic is in operation

January 2024

Miloš Forman's debut film "Černý Petr" on February 7 at Czech Film Wednesday

On the first Wednesday in February at 8 p.m. we will be showing “Černý Petr” (Black Peter) from 1963 in the Central Cinema as part of the “Czech Film Wednesday” series.

Zvýšené denní sazby ve FMP

In the small project fund, the daily rates will be adjusted from February 1, 2024.

Weekly review no. 17

Cheetah offspring in Ústí – Forest sets up shelters – Road to Hřensko open again

Weekly review no. 16

New monument to Jan Palach and Jan Zajíc in Děčín – “Hole of Ústí” will be closed – Excessive parliamentary debate on postal voting

Weekly review no. 15

Road to Dolní Žleb above water again - Hřensko's mayor resigns - Trial of scandal flasher - Opening of the Lety Roma memorial in April

V Děčíně bude v úterý odhalen mimořádný památník Jana Palacha

On Tuesday, January 16, at 6 pm, an unusual memorial commemorating the self-immolation of Jan Palach and Jan Zajíc 55 years ago will be unveiled in front of the Evangelical Church in Děčín.

Weekly review no. 14

Epiphany gathering has begun - Second Elbe flood - Pope chooses new bishop of Litoměřice - 90 years of the Nelson mine accident

December 2023

Weekly review no. 13

Tschechien im Schock – Elbe-Pegel steigen – Berghütte Lovoš findet neuen Betreiber

Bohemian Christmas mass by the composer Jakub Jan Ryba.

The Bohemian Christmas Mass (Czech Česká mše vánoční ) is the best-known work by the Bohemian composer Jakub Jan Ryba . It is also known by the opening verse Hej mistře and popularly as Rybovka .

Weekly review no. 12

National park railway runs for another 10 years - Děčín builds maternity hospital - To the Christmas market in the Czech Republic - Ústí district loses residents - Czech Republic's economy is shrinking significantly

Weekly review no. 11

Bohemian glass craft receives UNESCO title - Germany extends border controls - cross-country ski trails and slopes prepared

Weekly review no. 10

First German-Czech Regional Forum – School strike and doctors’ protest in the Czech Republic –
The route of the new Dresden-Prague line should be determined next year

November 2023

»Český sen« (The Czech dream) on Dec. 6th in the series Czech Film Wednesday

On the first Wednesday in December at 8 p.m. in the Central Cinema we are showing the somewhat mean documentary satire "Český sen" (The Czech Dream) from 2004 as part of the "Czech Film Wednesday" series.

Fond malých projektů EEL 2023-2028

This means that you will have to pay for the financing of the Fondu malých project EEL in 2023-2028.

Weekly review no. 9

Deutsche Bahn chose full tunnel option - Edmundsklamm will remain closed in 2024 - RegioJet replaces České dráhy in Ústí regional traffic - Trekking huts for the Ore Mountains - Million-dollar projects for the Saxon-Czech border area

Digitální Kulturní pas EEL - léto 2022

V současné době je Kulturní pas EEL dispozici nově dostupný v mobilní aplikaci Uneeqly. Cesta k získání Kulturního pasu se tak nyní značně zjednodušila.

Ausstellungseröffnung "Madonna auf Wanderschaft" am 24.11. in Dresden

Die Ausstellung zur Fürstenauer Madonna ist ab dem 24. November bis zum 7. Januar in der Dresdner Kreuzkirche zu sehen.

Weekly review no. 8

Educational agreement for bilingual high school - New town partners Dohna and Chlumec - Does a wildcat live in Bohemian Switzerland? - Karel Schwarzenberg passed away

Weekly review no. 7

Shift factory receives monument status - Kyjov dam is renovated - forest arsonist charged

Weekly review no. 6

Czech National Day – Shift exhibition in the Senate – TDKT opens

Exhibition “Czech Heroines” will take place on November 2nd. opened

The exhibition "Czech Heroines - Important Women of Czech History and Present" will be on view from November 2, 2023 to January 11, 2024 in the Dresden Cultural City Hall.

October 2023

“Banger” on November 1st at Czech Film Wednesday

On November 1st A current film at Film Wednesday: "Banger", a hard film in the drug and rap milieu of Prague, shot with an iPhone.

Weekly review no. 5

Czech National Day – Shift exhibition in the Senate – TDKT opens

Weekly review no. 4

Stationary border controls - Bust for August the Strong - Teplice modernizes cultural center - New podcast: Czech Republic six times

Weekly review no. 3

German gravestones in the rose garden - buses instead of ECs - tourist club buys Wolfsberg property

September 2023

Exhibition “Madonna on the Move” from October 6th. in Krupka

The eventful history of an altar between Saxony and Bohemia can be seen in the municipal library in Krupka from October 6th to November 16th.

Weekly review no. 2

Žatec is a world heritage site - Ústí district is recruiting doctors - Ore Mountains nature reserve is being planned

»Příběhy obyčejného šílenství« on Oct. 4th in the series Czech Film Wednesday

The film is called “Příběhy obyčejného šílenství” (Stories of Everyday Madness), but that was too long for the title. This somewhat absurd comedy runs on October 4th. at 8 p.m. in the Zentralkino Dresden in the “Czech Film Wednesday” series.

Weekly review no. 1

Žatec is a world heritage site - Ústí district is recruiting doctors - Ore Mountains nature reserve is being planned

Culinary delights at Kuckuckstein Castle

At the weekend, Kuckuckstein Castle in Liebstadt invites you to taste and linger for two days.

Voting for viewer's choice movie has started

Voting for the desired film, which will be shown on December 6th at Czech Film Wednesday, will run until the end of September.

August 2023

»Akumulátor 1« on Sept. 6th in the series Czech Film Wednesday

On the first Wednesday in September at 8 p.m. in the central cinema we will be showing the imaginative action comedy »Akumulátor 1« from 1994 as part of the "Czech Film Wednesday" series.

Albert Schweitzer organ concert on 16.9. in Děčín

Organ concert on the occasion of the 100th anniversary of Albert Schweitzer's visit to Tetschen (Děčín)

July 2023

»Světáci« on 02.08. at the Czech Film Wednesday

On the first Wednesday in August, we will show the fast-paced comedy "Světáci" from 1969 at 8 p.m. in the Central Cinema as part of the "Czech Film Wednesday" series.

Exhibition "Madonna on the hike" from July 25th in Dubí

On July 25th at 5 p.m. the exhibition "Madonna on the hike" about the Fürstenau Madonna altar will open in the "Blue Blood Museum" in Dubí. She will stay there until September 21st.

Historical atlas of the Euroregion available again

A few copies of the popular atlas with historical maps of Bohemia, Saxony and above all the area of the Euroregion Elbe/Labe are available again.

3rd Care4Nature Camp in the Erzgebirge from 14 to 20 August

The German-Czech Care4Nature Camp in the Erztgebirge near Oberwiesenthal promotes the international exchange of young people and young adults between the ages of 16 and 27 with biotope care, scythe workshops and excursions.

June 2023

Ing. Petr Medáček is Honorary President of the Euroregion Labe

On April 28, 2023, the Council of the Euroregion Labe Association of Municipalities appointed Ing. Petr Medáček Honorary President.

Wanderexpress Bohemica and Letní kometa will run also in the next years

The Verkehrsverbund Oberelbe and the Ústecký kraj have confirmed that the regional trains between Dresden and the Czech Republic will continue to operate in the future.

May 2023

Selected Czech Republic on May 24, 2023: Nela Rywiková - Children of Rage

On Wednesday, May 24th, 2023, at 7.30 p.m., the Czech author Nela Rywiková will read from her book "Children of Anger" in the Dresden Central Library.

Sponsoring contract with the Sparkasse at the working committee of the KG Euroregion

At today's meeting of the KG Euroregion working committee, the sponsoring contract with the Sparkasse was signed.

Conference of the mayors in the Šluknov area on April 27th, 2023 in Krásná Lípa

On Thursday, April 27, 2023, the first cross-border conference of mayors in the Šluknov area took place in Krasna Lipa.

Nové předsednictvo DSO Euroregionu Labe

V pátek 28.4. zvolila Rada EL nově předsedu a dva místopředsedy DSO EL

April 2023

»Pelišky« on May 3rd at the Czech Film Wednesday

On May 5th at 8 p.m. we will be showing the great comedy »Pelišky« in the Dresden Central Cinema as part of the Czech Film Wednesday series.

Video tip: How To - National park

The raven Enrico Rabenstein explains five simple rules how to behave in the National Park Saxon Switzerland.

»Kulový blesk« (Ball lightning) on April 5th at the Czech Film Wednesday

On April 5th at 8 p.m. we will show the fast-paced comedy »Kulový blesk« (Action Ball Lightning) from 1979 at the Czech Film Wednesday in the Central Cinema.

March 2023

Volný vstup do Statních kulturních sbírky Drážďany

Každou neděli od 15 do 18 hodin je vstup do eachnoho muzea Drážďanských statních uměleckých sbírek zdarma.

Asociace Euroregionů ČR

Asociace Euroregionů ČR se profesionalizuje

V pondělí 20. 3. 2023 se na MMR uskutečnila ustanovující schůze Asociace Euroregionů ČR, která přijala Stanovy spolku a zvolila orgány Asociace.

February 2023

Czech Film Wednesday starts on March 1st with »Mimořádná událost« (Exceptional Situation)

The "Czech Film Wednesday" series begins on March 1st at the Dresden Central Cinema, by popular demand with the absurd comedy "Mimořádná událost" (Exceptional Situation)

First information about the Small Projects Fund

The small project fund is expected to start in the summer of 2023. Here you can find initial information.

"Rok na hranici" pokracuje

Česko-německý fund budoucnosti prodlouži program "Rok na hranici" do let 2023-2024. ! Přihlaste se thurs 28.2. již do druhého ročníku.

X-Dörfer - Funding for cultural projects in rural areas

The Staatsschauspiel supports cultural projects in rural areas in 2023 and 2024 in terms of content and finances. This can also be used across borders.

Regular consultation on neighbour language in kindergartens

Every first Tuesday of the month you can get advice on teaching Czech and Polish in Saxon day-care centers.

Presidential elections in Czech Republic 2023

Election results of the presidential elections in the Czech Republic 2023 in the Ústí district

January 2023

City of Sebnitz becomes a member of the Euroregion Elbe/Labe

As of 01.01.2023, the city of Sebnitz has become a member of the Euroregion Elbe/Labe.

December 2022

Podíl na řízení ovládání a základním kapitálu DSO Euroregion-Labe 2023

The Czech side of the Euroregion Elbe/Labe publishes information about the members of the organization and the funding every year.

33. Sněm DSO Euroregion Labe

V úterý 13.12. se v Chlumci uskutečnílo zasedání 33. Sněmu Dobrovolného svazku obcí Euroregion Labe

November 2022

Fast railway Dresden-Prague: Your opinion counts!

Deutsche Bahn is charging from 24.11. on citizen participation for the new Dresden-Prague line with online dialogue on 30.11.

ARCHAEO Thanksgiving Festival in Vorderzinnwald on 27.11. at 14 o 'clock

commented tour of the excavation of the former pilgrimage chapel with archaeologist Lucie Kursová and historian Jan Kvapil

Screening of documentary "Benno - člověk mezi lidmi"

Premiéru životopisného filmu "Benno" o oseckém rodákovi, salesianovi Benno Benešovi v sobotu dne 29.11.2022 v teplickém kostele svaté Alžběty Uherské

Vernissage of the exhibition: Šimon Brejcha - Fabrics

From 18.11.2022 to 20.01.2023 the vernissage of the exhibition " Tissues" by Šimon Brejcha will take place in the Raskolnikov Art House.

Screening of documentary "Benno - člověk mezi lidmi"

On Thursday, December 1st, 2022 at 5.30 p.m. the premiere of the biographical film "Benno - a man among us" about the Salesian Benno Beneš from Osek will take place in the Teplice House of Culture in the Květen cinema. plakatv_a3_2.150x0-is-pid30662.jpg

152. Swiss Sandstone - Release for November by the Saxon Switzerland National Park Administration

Among other things, how and where can we take countermeasures and what help or support do people and nature need in order to be able to live and work in harmony with each other in the future?

Fine Czech Republic on Nov. 9th: Alena Mornštajnová - Hana

Alena Mornštajnová will read on November 9th. at 7 p.m. in the SLUB from her book "Hana" about three generations of family history in the 20th century.

October 2022

German-Czech 14th Dresden Poetry Prize awarded

Heute wurde der 14. Dresdner Lyrikpreis für Werke in deutscher oder tschechischer Sprache an Pavel Novotný vergeben. Der von der Euroregion Elbe/Labe gestiftete Publikumspreis ging an Paul Henry Campbell.

Historical Atlas of the Euroregion Elbe/Labe available

The Historical Atlas of the Euroregion Elbe/Labe shows 62 old map representations on 128 pages and can now be purchased for 30 Euros.

Premiere filmu Benno

Premiéru životopisného filmu "Benno" o oseckém rodákovi, salesianovi Benno Benešovi v sobotu dne 29.11.2022 v teplickém kostele svaté Alžběty Uherské

Philosophical reflections from prison / Václav Havel's "Letters to Olga"

The Evangelical Academy of Saxony invites you to the study day "Philosophical Reflection from Prison" on October 29th in Dresden.

Book presentation in the middle of the edge

On Tuesday, October 18, 2022 from 6:00 p.m. in the Libuše Friendship House at ul. Přátelství 110, Janov, the presentation of the results of the Active People in the Border Region project took place. The project was implemented by EEL in collaboration with the Anticomplex association.

Book donation from the Euroregion to the central library in Dresden

Euroregion donates 30 Czech books to the Dresden Central Library

Book in the middle of the edge

On Wednesday, October 5, 2022 at 6:00 p.m. a presentation of the results of the “Active People in the Border Area” project took place in the Sebnitz City Library. The project was carried out by EEL in collaboration with the Anticomplex association.

8.10.2022 HEINRICH LUMPE DAY in Ústí nad Labem

HEINRICH LUMPE DAY at Ústí nad Labem ZOO on October 8th, 2022

September 2022

Komunální volby a volby do Senátu 2022 v CR

Hodnocení kommunálních voleb vv ČR konkrétně Ústeckém kraji na území EEL

Under Pressure - conference against fake news

On the 7th/8th A specialist conference on dealing with fake news in the Czech Republic, Poland and Germany will take place in Dresden on October 10.

August 2022

Offers for short image film wanted

The Elbe/Labe Euroregion is requesting bids for the creation of a two-minute image film.

Information about forest fire in Bohemian-Saxon Switzerland

Here we list some sources of information for you to get an up-to-date and reliable impression of the situation of the forest fires in Bohemian-Saxon Switzerland.

July 2022

Be part of the German-Czech mountain meadow camp in the Ore Mountains! Registration until July 19, 2022

Together with the Czech partner organization ČSOP Ophidia, BUND Dresden is organizing the German-Czech Care4Nature Camp for the second time this year.

From 15th to 21st August 2022 you can travel with us to the Ore Mountains for a week and have the opportunity to learn a lot about meadow care, to discover the species-rich mountain meadows and to get involved in nature conservation in a very practical way.

148. Swiss Sandstone - Release for July by the Saxon Switzerland National Park Administration

The current Julischweizer is chock full of forward-looking projects by people with courage, enthusiasm and the spirit of the times.

June 2022

This year's HeuHoj-Camp - the German-Czech meadow camp is looking for participants

Join us and enjoy adventures where you will meet many new friends and gain unforgettable memories for life. Swimming fun after work, singing around the campfire, super-delicious cuisine, neighborhood party at the border and much more await you!

In order to see the meadows in the Eastern Ore Mountains in full bloom and to preserve biodiversity, these biotopes need annual care. You contribute to the preservation of the cultural landscape of the Ore Mountains. You are actively involved in the development of the border region and have a lot of fun. On the last day of the camp we organize the German-Czech neighborhood festival in Bohemian-Zinnwald.

Spend 4 days on blooming mountain meadows and wet meadows - with the scythes, brush cutters and hand saws tending to the rocks, with pitchforks and rakes at the hay harvest.

Explore the culture and history of the border region for 3 days - we will cycle through the countryside and look for traces of human fate in nature.

Euroregion celebrated 30th anniversary at Komaří vížka

On June 25, 2022, the Euroregion Elbe/Labe celebrated its 30th anniversary at the Mückentürmchen with a German-Czech festival with culture from both countries.

Česko-německý atlas starých map Euroregionu Elbe/Labe,

Publikace Historický atlas Euroregionu Elbe/Labe predstavena poprvé veřejnosti.

06/24/2022 Opening of the Czech season in Dresden

On June 24th the Czech Season will open and at the same time its first part, the outdoor exhibition "Relocated".

Job offer in Baroque Garden Großsedlitz (with Czech language skills)

The baroque garden Großsedlitz is looking for a temporary employee in the visitor service. Knowledge of Czech is expressly desired.

May 2022

Czech Republic select on June 25: Jiří Hájíček - vignettes with a sailing ship

Author's reading and discussion on June 15 at 7 p.m. in the Dresden-Südvorstadt library

01.-02.07.2022 Czech nights in Schmochtitz

On the first weekend in July 2022, the Sorbian National Ensemble Bautzen will host the "Czech Nights" at the Bildungsgut St.Benno in Schmochtitz near Bautzen - a concert evening dedicated entirely to Czech composers with orchestra, choir and ballet.

147. Swiss Sandstone - Release for June from the Saxon Switzerland National Park Administration

This edition of the Swiss Sandstone was published under the motto "Appreciation is the trapeze in the art of communication".

9 euros ticket po celem Německu

Spolkový sněm a Spolková rada schválily od 1.6. možnost zakoupit si za 9 € /měsíc jízdenku. která platí na celem území Německa.

06/02/2022 Theater performance "The German Dream"

The documentary, physical theater piece looks behind the scenes of freedom of movement and success. A co-production of Fysioart (Czech Republic) and Taupunkt eV

Looking for offers for WebAR project

The Euroregion Elbe/Labe is asking for offers for the implementation of a WebAR project in Vorderzinnwald.

5th International ELBE DOCK Festival in Ústí nad Labem and Dresden

The international film festival ELBE DOCK is a competition of filmmakers from Central Europe and a presentation of the world's best films. The festival will take place from May 12th to 21st in the Czech Republic and Germany.

05/20/2022 Catalog presentation and 2 vernissages in the riesa efau

On Friday, May 20, 2022 from 8 p.m., Libuše Jarcovjáková and Lucie Černá will present the freshly printed catalog "If you go home, pick me up" in the Round Corner . The project is co-financed from the small project fund of the Euroregion Elbe/Labe from the funds of the European Union.

Interpretation workshop in Eastern Erzgebirge in 2022

In May and September, the nature conservation station in the Eastern Ore Mountains offers a multi-day German-Czech course for anyone who would like to bring their region closer to other people.

May 31, Application for the 19th artists's symposium Strömungen/Proudĕni

Wanted: concepts of Czech and German artists, who will produce work on the theme of „We have no formula“ from October 14 to 23 2022 at riesa efau in Dresden.

Tandem is looking for new volunteers for Pilsen and Regensburg - deadline extended

Tandem Pilsen and Tandem Regensburg are each looking for new volunteers from autumn. Applications will be accepted until May 31st.

Závěrečný workshop Mit kuráž a utvářet náš region

Závěrečný workshop Mit kuráž a utvářet náš region

Sales exhibition of Ukrainian artist Igor Iščuk from May 10 to September 30

The sales exhibition by Ukrainian artist Igor Iščuk will take place in a small Dresden gallery from May 10 to September 30, 2022.

Looking for offers for rental of tables, benches and tents

The KG Euroregion is asking for offers for the rental of tables, benches and tents for an event on June 25th, 2022 at the Mückentürmchen.

Offers for artistic achievements (music, children's theatre, literature) wanted

The KG Euroregion is asking for offers for various artistic performances on June 25th, 2022 at the mosquito tower.

Offers for bus transportation wanted

The Euroregion Elbe/Labe is asking for offers for bus transport on June 25th, 2022.

Offers for printing of banners wanted

The Euroregion Elbe/Labe is asking for offers for printing of mesh banners.

April 2022

Scholarships for art summer academy 2022 in Dresden

Scholarships will be awarded for the 25th International Dresden Summer Academy for Fine Arts from July 24th to August 6th. Participants from the Czech Republic and Poland receive special support. Application deadline is June 12th.

Help wanted to extend the Euroregion website

The Euroregion is looking for a freelancer to research excursion destinations in the region and enter them on the Euroregion's website.

Angažujeme se s kuráží: Pomoc uprhlíkům v Sasku av Čechách – struktury a zkušenosti

28.4.22 from 10-12 h se uskuteční nové vydání našeho česko-německého debatního formátu "Debatujeme kurážně odvážně". Tentokrát budeme hovořit o strukturách a zkušenostech v pomoci uprchlikům v Česku av Sasku vzhledem k uprchlikům proudícím v důsledku války na Ukrajině do sousedních zemí.

Kulturní pas EEL na 2022

The culture pass for the Euroregion Elbe/Labe 2022 will be available from April.

Fine Czech Republic: Lenka Reinerová - farewell to my mother

Author's reading and discussion on April 28th in the Dresden Central Library

145. Swiss Sandstone - Release for April 2022 by the Saxon Switzerland National Park Administration

what's new

Video tutorial about cross-border partnership of kindergartens

This video explains the possibilities of cross-border partnerships of daycare centers.

March 2022

Chronicle of Tisá available at Euroregion office

The Chronicle of Tisá was published at the end of last year. Some copies are available free of charge from the offices of the Euroregion Elbe/Labe in Dresden and Ústí.

144. Swiss Sandstone - Release for March 2022 by the Saxon Switzerland National Park Administration

This issue has a special theme: our sustainability for a more climate-friendly future. How can everyone plan sustainable steps in everyday life?

Zahájení projektu Digitalizace kulturního pasu EEL

Dne 4. 3. 2022 schválil Lokální řídící výbor EEL projektovou žádost na digitalizaci kulturního pase EEL

Twelve small projects receive funding from Euroregion

At the last meeting of the local monitoring committee in the current funding period, it was decided to fund 7 Saxon and 5 Czech small projects.

The Czech Republic is no longer considered a high-risk area

As of today, the Robert Koch Institute has removed all countries from the list of high-risk areas. This means that only the obligation to provide proof ("3G") remains for entry into Germany.

AEBR resolution on war in Ukraine

The Association of European Border Regions (AEBR) has published this resolution on Russia's attack on Ukraine.

February 2022

Call for participants of Czech-German Young Professionals Program

Applications will be accepted until 20 March.

January 2022

Future fund supports enthusiasts and creators

The German-Czech Future Fund supports eight Germans and Czechs on both sides of the border in the various border regions in the new program "A year at the border".

Tender for creation of electronic 3D models

KG Euroregion is seeking bids until 15.01.2022 for the creation of electronic 3D models as part of a cross-border project.

December 2021

Film about the outcome of the cooperation program Saxony-Czech Republic

In this film some cross-border projects in the Saxon-Czech border area are presented.

Czech Republic toughens entry regulations as of 27.12.

From 27.12. also double vaccinated persons need a negative test for entry. In addition, local border traffic will be suspended from Dec 30th to Jan 1st.

141. Sandstone Swiss - published for November by the Saxon Switzerland National Park Administration

This 141st edition is the conclusion of twelve more Swiss people of the year, with events from the region:

November 2021

Euroregion funds another 9 projects

The local steering committee decided today to support 5 Saxon and 4 Czech projects from the small project fund.

Job offer from SAB

Looking for students who are enthusiastic about Europe!

Zdravotní péče v česko-německém příhraničí

Zdravotní péče v česko-německém příhračním regionu: tomuto tématu se bude věnovat příští debata 25.11.2021 at 7 p.m. v hybridním formátu discuze s českými a německými experty.

140. Sandstone Swiss - Issued for November by the Saxon Switzerland National Park Administration

What's new in the Saxon Switzerland National Park?

Exposition "Our Germans" open from Nov. 18th

Long awaited, it is finally there: The exhibition on the history of the German-speaking people in the Bohemian countries is open from November 18th.

Six-Region Dialogue - in online format

Discuss with us!

As a follow-up event on "European interfaces: Cross-border commuters in conversation", people from Saxony, Lower Silesia, the regions of Karlovy Vary, Usti, Baden-Württemberg and Grand-Est can share their common experiences as citizens of a border region, especially in the Corona region. Pandemic, speak and discuss. Make yourself heard!

The interfaces of Europe: Discussing border regions

On November 27, 2021 we invite 60-80 citizens from Saxony (Germany), Lower Silesia (Poland), the Karlovy Vary region and the Ústí region (Czech Republic) to an initial online dialogue. It is about current challenges and questions about the future of the EU. The event is also the basis for the subsequent 6-region dialogue.

October 2021

Select Czech Republic: Petr Stančík "Pérák" - The superhero from Prague - November 10, 2021

Reading and discussion with the author

When : November 10, 2021, 6:30 p.m.

Where : Library Neustadt, Königsbrücker Straße 26, 01099 Dresden

Entry : free

Registration required at:

Book table: books best

Completion of the award of the 13th Dresden Poetry Prize: Reading in the Erich Kästner House for Literature

Kometenfahrt * / Reading by the main jury of the 13th Dresden Poetry Prize / With: Nico Bleutge, Radka Denemarková, Petr Hruška and Anja Utler / Music: Karel Vrtiška (piano) / Moderation: Jonáš Hájek

Admission: € 7; 5 € reduced

Digital and European learning with the European competition, Thursday, November 25th, 2021, 4:00 p.m. to 5:30 p.m.

In this course, using the example of the 69th European competition, the didactic-methodological possibilities of virtual cooperation in Europe are to be developed and tried out in preparation.

139. Sandstone Swiss - Issued for October by the Saxon Switzerland National Park Administration

What's new in the Saxon Switzerland National Park?

Newsletter for download

Source: Joint initiative of Staatsbetrieb Sachsenforst National Park Administration Saxon Switzerland and Association Landschaf (f) t Zukunft e. V.

Pirna - 13.10.2021: Courage debates - Germany and the Czech Republic after the elections

The association Aktion Zivilcourage eV Pirna and its partners invites you to discuss the current topic "Courage debated - Germany and the Czech Republic after the elections on Wednesday, October 13, 2021 from 7-10: 15 pm in the Pirna Council Chamber and via livestream (zoom) "Sincerely.

September 2021

8 cross-border projects approved

Today it was decided to support 8 small projects in the Euroregion Elbe / Labe with a total volume of approx. 108,000 euros.

Announcement: Print of exhibition panels

We request bids for printing exhibition boards (see details).

138.SandstoneSwiss | Published September 2021 by the Saxon Switzerland National Park Administration

What's new in Saxon Switzerland?

August 2021

Announcement: Bus transfers from Dresden to the Czech Republic in October

We ask for offers for the following bus transfers from Dresden to the Czech Republic.

RESTART II - New special support programme of the Future Fund

The German-Czech Future Fund supports short-term projects up to the end of the year with up to 4000 euros.

July 2021

Řehlovice cultural center invites you to a vernissage on July 24th

The Řehlovice cultural center invites you to the opening of the 20th German-Czech art symposium STRÖMUNGEN-PROUDĚNÍ on July 24th, 3 p.m.

136.SandstoneSwiss | July 2021 published by the Saxon Switzerland National Park Administration

The Saxon Switzerland National Park Administration has published the spring edition of SandsteinSchweizers.

Kulturní pas EEL in 2021

The culture pass for 2021 has been on sale since July 12th.

June 2021

Funding for 13 projects approved

On June 18, 2021, 13 applications for project funding from the small project fund of the Euroregion Elbe / Labe were approved.

Border will disappear on Sunday ... almost

Starting in Sunday, Czech Republic will no longer be a risk area, and Germany will be downgraded to the orange category. This will remove many of the restrictions on crossing borders.

May 2021

Funding from Future funds for border region

The German-Czech Future Fund provides very attractive special funding for the border area to support measures to mitigate the health and social consequences of the corona pandemic.

Short trips to Czechia unresticted starting tomorrow

From May 13th, the quarantine obligation will no longer apply after short trips to the Czech Republic for which there was no important reason.

April 2021

Czechia becomes "normal" risk area on Sunday

The Robert Koch Institute classifies the Czech Republic only as a "normal" risk area as of May 2. This makes it somewhat easier to cross the border, especially for cross-border commuters.

High-profile debate on the future of border regions on 21.04.

On Wednesday, April 21st, there will be a public online debate on the future of the European border regions and cross-border cooperation with top-class participants.

March 2021

RKI downgrades the Czech Republic - border traffic facilitated

As of today, the Czech Republic is no longer a special risk area due to virus variants, but only due to the high number of infections. This makes border traffic a little easier.

Four new small projects approved

On March 19 Funding for four small Saxon-Czech projects with a funding volume of € 52,048.60 was approved in an online session.


Die Technische Universität Dresden, Institut für Politikwissenschaft, die Univerzita J.E. Purkyné Usti nad Labem, Katedra politologie, die Euroregion Elbe/Labe, und die Aktion Zivilcourage e.V., Pirna kooperieren seit März gemeinsam in einem tschechisch-deutschen Modellprojekt zum Thema Demokratieförderung und Zivilcourage.

Science is interested in cross-border commuters

Newcastle University is conducting a scientific study on the situation of cross-border commuters in Germany during the corona pandemic.

132.SandstoneSwiss | March 2021 published by the Saxon Switzerland National Park Administration<p class='autotranslation_message'>(This is an automatic translation by Google Translator.)</p>

The Saxon Switzerland National Park Administration has published the spring edition of SandsteinSchweizers.

(This is an automatic translation by Google Translator.)

Result of the IHK survey: border closure is disproportionate

Last week the Chamber of Commerce and Industry Chemnitz carried out a survey on the effects of the border closure with the Czech Republic on Saxon companies. Based on their results, the border closure is described as disproportionate.

February 2021

Quick survey by the IHK on border closings<p class='autotranslation_message'>(This is an automatic translation by Google Translator.)</p>

The IHK would like to have a quick poll by Feb 26to to learn more about the effects of the border closure with the Czech Republic on Saxon companies.

Train traffic between Germany and the Czech Republic ceased on Sunday<p class='autotranslation_message'>(This is an automatic translation by Google Translator.)</p>

For all flight, train and bus operators, it is now the case that guests from areas with particularly dangerous virus variants cannot be transported to Germany. The only exception is for German citizens or for travelers who live in Germany permanently.

(This is an automatic translation by Google Translator.)

Book about village history published (SZ from February 5th)

The Sächsische Zeitung reports on a publication supported by the Elbe / Labe Euroregion aabout two villages near Studenec mountain (Kaltenberg).

January 2021

Czech Republic classified as high risk area - two tests per week for commuters

The Czech Republic has been classified as a high risk area by the RKI on 22.01.2021. This means that stricter regulations apply to entries into Germany from the Czech Republic. They are valid from 24.01.2021.

Compulsory testing for commuters postponed and simplified

Commuters must get tested only once a week and starting only January 18th.

Help programs of the German-Czech Future Fund

The German-Czech Future Fund supports the actors of German-Czech cooperation in the Corona crisis with several special tenders.

November 2020

From November 16 Germany is in the red category.

The Czech government decided yesterday that Germany will belong to the red category as of November 16.

From 9.11. less limited entry to the Czech Republic from Germany

From November 9th you can travel from Germany to the Czech Republic again without restrictions. This applies to all countries in the green and orange category.

Dresden Poetry Award - with Euroregion Audience Award

The Dresden Poetry Prize will be awarded on 8 November, including an audience award sponsored by the Euroregion Elbe/Labe.

New corona rules in Saxony - also for entry from the Czech Republic

From tomorrow, new rules to fight the Corona pandemic in Saxony will apply. This includes new quarantine rules for entry into Saxony from the Czech Republic.

October 2020

Also in Dresden masks are mandatory outside

Due to the increasing number of infections, new regulations come into force today, including compulsory wearing of masks even outdoors in the city center.

Czech government decides further measures against corona pandemic

Numerous shops and service providers will close from Thursday, and people will be restricted from moving freely.

30 years of the Saxon Switzerland National Park - a special day for the anniversary

30 years of the Saxon Switzerland National Park - a special day for the anniversary and further articles from the area of the national park, experiences and regional topics can be found in the 127th SandsteinSchweizer newsletter.

The XXX. General meeting of the municipal association Euroregion Labe was canceled

The planned general meeting of the Euroregion Labe on October 15th, 2020 was canceled due to the epidemiological situation in the Czech Republic.

Stricter pandemic measures in the Czech Republic

Stricter regulations to combat the COVID-19 pandemic came into force in the Czech Republic today. Cultural and sporting events are now completely banned.

Christian Preußcher passed away

On October 3rd Christian Preußcher died, who was managing director of the Euroregion Elbe / Labe on the German side for 22 years.

From today 30 days of Corona emergency in the Czech Republic

The Czech government has declared a national corona emergency for 30 days from October 5, 2020. Numerous measures are associated with this to overcome the crisis.

September 2020

Slid in! 30 years of East Germany in a united Europe

New joint website of the Europe Direct centers in the new federal states “ Reingeschlittert! 30 Years of East Germany in a United Europe ”with interviews, podcasts and interesting facts from the individual regions!

Germans in the Czech Republic for 48 hours without subsequent quarantine

The Saxon Minister of Health Petra Köpping informed on Tuesday that Germans can stay in the Czech Republic for 48 hours without having to be in quarantine.

Ústí region is now also corona risk area

The German government is now adding the regions of Ústí and Moravia-Silesia, which were excluded on Wednesday, and thus the whole of the Czech Republic to the list of risk areas.

Ústí region is no risk area (yet)

The Robert Koch Institute today declared the whole of the Czech Republic a risk area, with the exception of the Ústí and Moravian-Silesian regions.

Neighbouring language right from the start!

The Saxon Office for early neighouring language education has provided the offices of the Euroregions with a neighboring language suitcase for free lending.

Corona "yellow light" in Ústí

The Czech government has set all four districts in the Elbe/Labe Euroregion (Ústí, Děčín, Teplice and Litoměřice) to the second highest corona warning level.

Sports games of two Euroregions in Bílina

On Friday, 18.09.2020 in Bílina (about 15 km from Teplice) took place the 5th sports games of two Euroregions.

Funding for small projects approved last Friday

Last Friday, the local steering committee of the Elbe / Labe Euroregion gave the green light for four German-Czech projects with EU funding of around EUR 35,600.

Prague is corona risk area - travel restrictions in effect

On September 9th, Prague was classified as a risk area. This means that when entering Germany, quarantine is mandatory.

Online seminars for volunteers until December 2020

In the period from September to December 2020, the Aktion Zivilcourage eV organizes a series of online seminars as part of the voluntary training forum.

Bohemian travel pictures - photographs by Peter R. Fischer

Vernissage of the exhibition • 13.9. • 16 o'clock • Radfahrerkirche Stadt Wehlen

August 2020

Expert discussion &quot;The Elbe - common natural heritage&quot; - registration only until 3 September 2020

The Saxon Switzerland National Park Center invites you to an expert discussion on Thursday, September 10, 2020.

July 2020

Mountaineering choir makes a guest appearance in the baroque garden

The Saxon mountaineering choir "Kurt Schlosser" Dresden will give a guest performance on Sunday, August 16, 2020 in the baroque garden Großsedlitz.

The submission deadline for applications for small project funding ends on July 24th

The new applications for German-Czech small projects must be submitted by July 24th.

Participants for Heuhoj - Camp welcome!

Green League Osterzgebirge e. V. and the Czech association Lužický horský spolek are organizing a German-Czech camp in the Eastern Ore Mountains in late July and late September. Registrations for the end of September are still possible.

June 2020

Six new small projects funded

Last Friday the funding for 6 new projects from the Euroregion's Small Projects Fund was approved.

Interesting places in Euroregion Elbe/Labe

New content on our website: interactive map of interesting destinations in the Euroregion.

Announcement of German-Czech Journalist Award

Proposals for the German-Czech Journalism Award can be submitted until June 30th, 2020.

SAVE THE DATE: Symposium on October 7th, 2020 on growing up multilingual

"Our neighbors among us: How can growing up multilingual be supported in everyday daycare?"

Yes, the border is open.

Today at 12am the Czech-German border was reopened, at least from the Czech side.

Border already open tomorrow?

Prime minister Babiš announced today, that the Czech-German border is going to be complete opened already tomorrow.

Germany is green - the border will be open soon!

The Czech government has decided that as of June 15th, there will be no restrictions on travel to and from safe countries - including Germany.

May 2020

Several meetings at the German-Czech border planned tomorrow

There are 12 meetings planned along the Czech-Saxon border on May 30th.

Only random border controls, trains runnig again

From tomorrow, checks will only be carried out at the border at random. Some cross-border Eurocity trains are running again.

WiFi4EU | Free WiFi in public

Free Internet in parks, on large squares, in public buildings, libraries, health centers and museums all over Europe - this is what WiFi4EU should do.

Several meetings at the German-Czech border

Yesterday people from the Czech Republic and Germany met again at the common border to demand it to be opened.

This Saturday for neighbourhood

Again this Saturday, May 16, Czechs and Germans will meet again at the border to keep contact despite the closure.

Survey on cross-border funding 2021-2027

In preparation for the funding period beginning in 2021, a general survey is being conducted to select the funding priorities of the cooperation program Saxony-Czech Republic .

More border crossings to Czechia will be opened on May 11th

From Monday, May 11th, it will be possible for all groups of people to cross the Saxon-Czech border at places that are currently only open for commuters and road freight traffic, as well as at three other places.

Petition to open the Dolní Poustevna - Sebnitz border crossing for commuters

The mayor of Dolní Poustevna, Robert Holec, petitioned the Czech government to open the Dolní Poustevna - Sebnitz border crossing to commuters.

Meeting along the closed border

On May 2nd, people from the Czech Republic and Germany met at six locations along the closed border to underline their desire to open the border.

How many Czechs are acually working in Saxony?

A DGB (trade unions) report shows that about 11,000 Czechs work in Saxony (as of 30.06.2019). It explains even more interesting details, also for Euroregion Elbe/Labe.

April 2020

Forest fire on border defeated together - despite corona

A forest fire near Zinnwald was extinguished yesterday by German and Czech fire brigades together. The border was opened for that, despite Corona.

German-Czech border slightly more open again

Starting April 27th, there is more business travel permitted across the German-Czech border. Tourist travel or private visits are still not allowed.

Trade unions from border region want open borders

In a joint declaration, trade unions from Germany, Poland and the Czech Republic demand the immediate restoration of freedom of movement in the border triangle.

14 new small projects get funding

The funding of 14 new projects out of the Small Projects Fund in the Euroregion Elbe/Labe was decided by circulation procedure.

DTJV criticizes closed borders

The German-Czech Lawyer's Association considers the closing of the border between the Czech Republic and Germany to be unnecessary.

Corona help from German-Czech Future Funds

The German-Czech Future Funds starts programs to help people active in cross-border coperation and organisations in the German-Czech border region through the corona crisis.

Communication from the SAB to the project sponsors on the corona crisis

The outbreak of COVID-19 also affects the implementation of the cooperation program Saxony - Czech Republic 2014 - 2020. Read a message from the SAB here on how to deal with this situation.

March 2020

Information on the implementation of small projects in the Corona crisis
Volunteer positions at Tandem Regensburg and Pilsen

Volunteers wanted! one volunteer for 1 year in the project in Pilsen and two volunteers for Tandem in Regenburg from September 1st

Information event on March 25, 2020 in Dippoldiswalde

Information event to support cross-border projects by the Euroregion Elbe / Labe on Wednesday, March 25, 2020 at 6 p.m. in the Dippoldiswalde park halls (small hall).

February 2020

Select Czech Republic: Tereza Semotamová - In the closet (Ve skříni)

Reading and discussion with the author and translator on April 21, 2020 at 7:30 p.m. in the Dresden Central Library

Meeting of the Euroregions Elbe / Labe and Erzgebirge / Krušnohoří with Hejtman of the Ústí district

The traditional meeting of the captain of the Ústí region, Oldřich Bubeníček, and his colleagues with representatives of the Labe and Krušnoroří Euroregions took place in Ústí nad Labem on Tuesday, February 18, 2020.

Work as volunteer in Cultural Centre Řehlovice from March to October

At the cultural centre Řehlovice in the Czech Republic, a volunteer position is available from 01.03. to 31.10.2020.

January 2020

Announcement Summer Course Scholarships Czech Republic 2020

The Ministry of Education, Youth and Sport of the Czech Republic awards scholarships for participation in 2020 university summer courses at the universities in Brno, České Budějovice, Olomouc, Plzeň, Poděbrady and Prague.

Joint secretariat in Dresden offers place for volunteer
Collegium Bohemicum is looking for a new cultural manager
Apply for small projects by January 31st

The first submission deadline for funding from the Euroregion's small project fund ends on January 31.

EAB: Czech-German Young Professionals Program

As part of the Czech-German Young Professionals Program of the European Academy Berlin, 14 young people can enjoy an interesting program for professional development. The application deadline is January 31, 2020.

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