Euroregion Elbe/Labe

All weekly reviews

Here you will find the archive of our weekly newsletter for a look at the neighbors.

May 2024

Weekly review no. 35

Czech Republic is ice hockey world champion – garrison towns receive funding – border controls are extended – gas transit fees are abolished – financing of the Beneš Bridge is clarified

Weekly review no. 34

Spektakuläre Kunst am Prager Kaufhaus Máj – Kleiner E-Auto-Boom in Tschechien – 60. Beethoven-Festival in Teplice – Präsident Pavel leicht verletzt nach Motorradunfall – Teplice zeigt Ausstellung über den Hohnsteiner Kasper – Neue Elbfähre zum Kult-Freibad

Weekly review no. 33

Partial confession in arson trial – Wolfsberg Tower reopened – Police report more violations in motorway tunnel – Ústí Museum wins prize

Weekly review no. xx

Czech Republic closes first open-cast mine – Trains to Krupka soon to return – Chemnitz christens tram "Ústí nad Labem" – Ice Hockey World Championship starts in Czech Republic

Weekly review no. 31

Hřensko's new mayor wants to close border huts – Jeschken cable car to be extended – Pirna students translate fate of a Winton child – Steinmeier and von der Leyen in Prague

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