Euroregion Elbe/Labe

All weekly reviews

Here you will find the archive of our weekly newsletter for a look at the neighbors.

January 2024

Weekly review no. 17

Cheetah offspring in Ústí – Forest sets up shelters – Road to Hřensko open again

Weekly review no. 16

New monument to Jan Palach and Jan Zajíc in Děčín – “Hole of Ústí” will be closed – Excessive parliamentary debate on postal voting

Weekly review no. 15

Road to Dolní Žleb above water again - Hřensko's mayor resigns - Trial of scandal flasher - Opening of the Lety Roma memorial in April

Weekly review no. 14

Epiphany gathering has begun - Second Elbe flood - Pope chooses new bishop of Litoměřice - 90 years of the Nelson mine accident

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