Euroregion Elbe/Labe


This is where you find all news from Euroregion Elbe/Labe since April 2020. Older news can be found in the archive.

December 2021

Film about the outcome of the cooperation program Saxony-Czech Republic

In this film some cross-border projects in the Saxon-Czech border area are presented.

Czech Republic toughens entry regulations as of 27.12.

From 27.12. also double vaccinated persons need a negative test for entry. In addition, local border traffic will be suspended from Dec 30th to Jan 1st.

141. Sandstone Swiss - published for November by the Saxon Switzerland National Park Administration

This 141st edition is the conclusion of twelve more Swiss people of the year, with events from the region:

November 2021

Euroregion funds another 9 projects

The local steering committee decided today to support 5 Saxon and 4 Czech projects from the small project fund.

Job offer from SAB

Looking for students who are enthusiastic about Europe!

Zdravotní péče v česko-německém příhraničí

Zdravotní péče v česko-německém příhračním regionu: tomuto tématu se bude věnovat příští debata 25.11.2021 at 7 p.m. v hybridním formátu discuze s českými a německými experty.

140. Sandstone Swiss - Issued for November by the Saxon Switzerland National Park Administration

What's new in the Saxon Switzerland National Park?

Exposition "Our Germans" open from Nov. 18th

Long awaited, it is finally there: The exhibition on the history of the German-speaking people in the Bohemian countries is open from November 18th.

Six-Region Dialogue - in online format

Discuss with us!

As a follow-up event on "European interfaces: Cross-border commuters in conversation", people from Saxony, Lower Silesia, the regions of Karlovy Vary, Usti, Baden-Württemberg and Grand-Est can share their common experiences as citizens of a border region, especially in the Corona region. Pandemic, speak and discuss. Make yourself heard!

The interfaces of Europe: Discussing border regions

On November 27, 2021 we invite 60-80 citizens from Saxony (Germany), Lower Silesia (Poland), the Karlovy Vary region and the Ústí region (Czech Republic) to an initial online dialogue. It is about current challenges and questions about the future of the EU. The event is also the basis for the subsequent 6-region dialogue.

October 2021

Select Czech Republic: Petr Stančík "Pérák" - The superhero from Prague - November 10, 2021

Reading and discussion with the author

When : November 10, 2021, 6:30 p.m.

Where : Library Neustadt, Königsbrücker Straße 26, 01099 Dresden

Entry : free

Registration required at:

Book table: books best

Completion of the award of the 13th Dresden Poetry Prize: Reading in the Erich Kästner House for Literature

Kometenfahrt * / Reading by the main jury of the 13th Dresden Poetry Prize / With: Nico Bleutge, Radka Denemarková, Petr Hruška and Anja Utler / Music: Karel Vrtiška (piano) / Moderation: Jonáš Hájek

Admission: € 7; 5 € reduced

Digital and European learning with the European competition, Thursday, November 25th, 2021, 4:00 p.m. to 5:30 p.m.

In this course, using the example of the 69th European competition, the didactic-methodological possibilities of virtual cooperation in Europe are to be developed and tried out in preparation.

139. Sandstone Swiss - Issued for October by the Saxon Switzerland National Park Administration

What's new in the Saxon Switzerland National Park?

Newsletter for download

Source: Joint initiative of Staatsbetrieb Sachsenforst National Park Administration Saxon Switzerland and Association Landschaf (f) t Zukunft e. V.

Pirna - 13.10.2021: Courage debates - Germany and the Czech Republic after the elections

The association Aktion Zivilcourage eV Pirna and its partners invites you to discuss the current topic "Courage debated - Germany and the Czech Republic after the elections on Wednesday, October 13, 2021 from 7-10: 15 pm in the Pirna Council Chamber and via livestream (zoom) "Sincerely.

September 2021

8 cross-border projects approved

Today it was decided to support 8 small projects in the Euroregion Elbe / Labe with a total volume of approx. 108,000 euros.

Announcement: Print of exhibition panels

We request bids for printing exhibition boards (see details).

138.SandstoneSwiss | Published September 2021 by the Saxon Switzerland National Park Administration

What's new in Saxon Switzerland?

August 2021

Announcement: Bus transfers from Dresden to the Czech Republic in October

We ask for offers for the following bus transfers from Dresden to the Czech Republic.

RESTART II - New special support programme of the Future Fund

The German-Czech Future Fund supports short-term projects up to the end of the year with up to 4000 euros.

July 2021

Řehlovice cultural center invites you to a vernissage on July 24th

The Řehlovice cultural center invites you to the opening of the 20th German-Czech art symposium STRÖMUNGEN-PROUDĚNÍ on July 24th, 3 p.m.

136.SandstoneSwiss | July 2021 published by the Saxon Switzerland National Park Administration

The Saxon Switzerland National Park Administration has published the spring edition of SandsteinSchweizers.

Kulturní pas EEL in 2021

The culture pass for 2021 has been on sale since July 12th.

June 2021

Funding for 13 projects approved

On June 18, 2021, 13 applications for project funding from the small project fund of the Euroregion Elbe / Labe were approved.

Border will disappear on Sunday ... almost

Starting in Sunday, Czech Republic will no longer be a risk area, and Germany will be downgraded to the orange category. This will remove many of the restrictions on crossing borders.

May 2021

Funding from Future funds for border region

The German-Czech Future Fund provides very attractive special funding for the border area to support measures to mitigate the health and social consequences of the corona pandemic.

Short trips to Czechia unresticted starting tomorrow

From May 13th, the quarantine obligation will no longer apply after short trips to the Czech Republic for which there was no important reason.

April 2021

Czechia becomes "normal" risk area on Sunday

The Robert Koch Institute classifies the Czech Republic only as a "normal" risk area as of May 2. This makes it somewhat easier to cross the border, especially for cross-border commuters.

High-profile debate on the future of border regions on 21.04.

On Wednesday, April 21st, there will be a public online debate on the future of the European border regions and cross-border cooperation with top-class participants.

March 2021

RKI downgrades the Czech Republic - border traffic facilitated

As of today, the Czech Republic is no longer a special risk area due to virus variants, but only due to the high number of infections. This makes border traffic a little easier.

Four new small projects approved

On March 19 Funding for four small Saxon-Czech projects with a funding volume of € 52,048.60 was approved in an online session.


Die Technische Universität Dresden, Institut für Politikwissenschaft, die Univerzita J.E. Purkyné Usti nad Labem, Katedra politologie, die Euroregion Elbe/Labe, und die Aktion Zivilcourage e.V., Pirna kooperieren seit März gemeinsam in einem tschechisch-deutschen Modellprojekt zum Thema Demokratieförderung und Zivilcourage.

Science is interested in cross-border commuters

Newcastle University is conducting a scientific study on the situation of cross-border commuters in Germany during the corona pandemic.

132.SandstoneSwiss | March 2021 published by the Saxon Switzerland National Park Administration<p class='autotranslation_message'>(This is an automatic translation by Google Translator.)</p>

The Saxon Switzerland National Park Administration has published the spring edition of SandsteinSchweizers.

(This is an automatic translation by Google Translator.)

Result of the IHK survey: border closure is disproportionate

Last week the Chamber of Commerce and Industry Chemnitz carried out a survey on the effects of the border closure with the Czech Republic on Saxon companies. Based on their results, the border closure is described as disproportionate.

February 2021

Quick survey by the IHK on border closings<p class='autotranslation_message'>(This is an automatic translation by Google Translator.)</p>

The IHK would like to have a quick poll by Feb 26to to learn more about the effects of the border closure with the Czech Republic on Saxon companies.

Train traffic between Germany and the Czech Republic ceased on Sunday<p class='autotranslation_message'>(This is an automatic translation by Google Translator.)</p>

For all flight, train and bus operators, it is now the case that guests from areas with particularly dangerous virus variants cannot be transported to Germany. The only exception is for German citizens or for travelers who live in Germany permanently.

(This is an automatic translation by Google Translator.)

Book about village history published (SZ from February 5th)

The Sächsische Zeitung reports on a publication supported by the Elbe / Labe Euroregion aabout two villages near Studenec mountain (Kaltenberg).

January 2021

Czech Republic classified as high risk area - two tests per week for commuters

The Czech Republic has been classified as a high risk area by the RKI on 22.01.2021. This means that stricter regulations apply to entries into Germany from the Czech Republic. They are valid from 24.01.2021.

Compulsory testing for commuters postponed and simplified

Commuters must get tested only once a week and starting only January 18th.

Help programs of the German-Czech Future Fund

The German-Czech Future Fund supports the actors of German-Czech cooperation in the Corona crisis with several special tenders.

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