Euroregion Elbe/Labe

»Příběhy obyčejného šílenství« at Czech Film Wednesday

04.10.2023 • 20:00 • Zentralkino Dresden

Lots of bizarre characters experience the madness of everyday life in crazy situations

Petr is a freight clerk at Prague Airport - but that's about the only normal aspect of his life. While his mother wants to save the world and falls into a crisis of meaning because her blood no longer meets the quality requirements for donation, his boyfriend abuses sinks and vacuum cleaners, his father takes refuge in a dalliance with a sculptor and his boss has an amorous relationship with one mannequin. Petr himself has a part-time job as a voyeur and watches his neighbors have sex for a fee. Apart from that he is madly in love with Jana...

The film is based on the play of the same name by Petr Zelenka, which premiered in 2001 at the Dejvické divadlo and was translated into five languages. The director then decided to film it with almost the same cast, and in 2005 a bitter comedy was created, which was a hit with audiences and starred with two Czech lions - for the sound and for the supporting role by Miroslav Krobot - or at the Festival of Eastern European Films in Cottbus was awarded.
The authors then say of the work, in which the lines between normal people and madmen are blurred: "True madness is as rare as genius or perfect pitch."


(This is an automatic translation by Google Translator.)

Czech comedies are often characterized by somewhat bizarre or at least unusual characters. In this film the principle is taken very far. You probably notice its origins as a play. Nevertheless, the stories are not absurd (except for living blankets, perhaps) and the people are not crazy. They all have to somehow deal with the adversities of everyday life and sometimes choose unusual ways to do so. Petr is particularly creative in this sense, even if many of the complications are not his own fault. As is often the case with good Czech films, the whole thing is told in a calm and laconic manner with a somewhat reserved sense of humor. It's clearly the characters that take center stage, and none of them are clichés.

(This is an automatic translation by Google Translator.)

CZ/SVK/D 2005, 109 min, OmdtU

Director: Petr Zelenka

Actors: Ivan Trojan, Zuzana Šulajová, Miroslav Krobot, Nina Divíšková, Karel Heřmánek, Petra Lustigová, Jiří Bartoška, Zuzana Bydžovská, Jana Hubinská

(This is an automatic translation by Google Translator.)


Zentralkino Dresden
Kraftwerk Mitte 16
01067 Dresden


Tel: +49 351 3107375


The Zentralkino is located on the grounds of the (Kultur-) Kraftwerk Mitte (see site plan, no. 16). There are entrances at Wettiner Platz, from Könneritzstraße and from Ehrlichstraße.

From "Bahnhof Mitte" directions_railway directions_bus it is about 350 m, from "Haltepunkt Freiberger Straße" directions_railway directions_bus about 500 m walk to the cinema. Various tram lines also stop at both stations. From the stop "Schweriner Straße" directions_railway directions_bus it is 400 m.

The large car park for Kraftwerk Mitte is located behind the railway embankment. Access is from Löbtauer Straße. From the car park you can get to the cinema through a passageway and via Könneritzstraße.

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