Euroregion Elbe/Labe

»Český sen« (Czech dream) at the Czech Film Wednesday

06.12.2023 • 20:00 • Zentralkino Dresden

Our loyal viewers can decide on the film in the run-up to Christmas.

Proposals for the December film could be submitted here until August 31st. The vote on this will now take place until the end of September . Santa Claus will bring the winning film.

You can cast your vote for the desired film in the table. For orientation, we have given the rating of the users of the portal on the far right (higher = better).

Of course, the following applies: each only one cross!

(This is an automatic translation by Google Translator.)

The filmmakers themselves say in the film that they don't want to pretend that we can judge the events in it or what they want to express with the film. But one thing should be clear: it's not about the positive sides of humanity. We ourselves don't agree on what the film really says and whether it is a good film or not. Luckily we don't have to be responsible for the latter as it was a decision made by the audience.

The two creators, Vít Klusák and Filip Remunda, suddenly became very well known through the work, especially in the Czech Republic, of course, but also abroad. With “Český mír” they made another such documentary comedy in 2010, this time about the fight against a (this time actually planned) US radar station in the Czech Republic. But the film wasn't that successful.

(This is an automatic translation by Google Translator.)

CZ 2004, 90 min, OmdtU

Director: Vít Klusák, Filip Remunda

(This is an automatic translation by Google Translator.)


Here again are the films that were available for selection and the voting results.

(This is an automatic translation by Google Translator.)

»Český sen« (Der böhmische Traum)13
»Žert« (Der Scherz)12
»Černy Petr« (Der schwarze Peter)9
»Zahrada« (Der Garten)9
»Obsluhoval jsem anglického krále« (Ich habe den englischen König bedient)4
»Život a neobyčejná dobrodružství vojáka Ivana Čonkina« (Leben und außergewöhnliche Abenteuer des Soldaten Ivan Čonkin)3
»Když draka bolí hlava« (Wenn dem Drachen der Kopf weh tut)1
»Kdyby tisíc klarinetů« (Wenn Tausend Klarinetten)1
»Cesta do hlubin študákovy duše« (Reise in die Tiefe der studentischen Seele)
»Eva tropí hlouposti« (Eva macht dumme Sachen)
»Musíme si pomáhat« (Wir müssen zusammenhalten)
Stimmen insgesamt:72


Zentralkino Dresden
Kraftwerk Mitte 16
01067 Dresden


Tel: +49 351 3107375


The Zentralkino is located on the grounds of the (Kultur-) Kraftwerk Mitte (see site plan, no. 16). There are entrances at Wettiner Platz, from Könneritzstraße and from Ehrlichstraße.

From "Bahnhof Mitte" directions_railway directions_bus it is about 350 m, from "Haltepunkt Freiberger Straße" directions_railway directions_bus about 500 m walk to the cinema. Various tram lines also stop at both stations. From the stop "Schweriner Straße" directions_railway directions_bus it is 400 m.

The large car park for Kraftwerk Mitte is located behind the railway embankment. Access is from Löbtauer Straße. From the car park you can get to the cinema through a passageway and via Könneritzstraße.

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