Euroregion Elbe/Labe

Václav Krčil viewpoint

Wide view of the Elbe valley

This vantage point, named after Václav Krčil, on a rocky peak near Dubičky offers a wonderful view of the Elbe valley, which winds here in a large arc after Porta Bohemica. The view is even more beautiful than from the church in Dubičky, but connected with a longer footpath and not so easy to reach, so you should be sure-footed. At the top of the rock spur is private property that you have to walk around to get to the view.

Who was Václav Krčil?

Václav Krčil was born in Teplice-Šanov in 1892 and died in Prague in 1972. He was a very active member of the Czech Tourists' Club (KČT), which is why they named this prospect after him. He is regarded as the nestor of the beginnings of tourism in Ústí nad Labem and the entire region, who not only held various offices, but was also involved in public relations and organized and led hiking tours. (Source: KČT UL ).

The KČT also ensures reliable signposting and marking of hiking trails in the Czech Republic.


(This is an automatic translation by Google Translator.)


Dubice 7
400 02 Řehlovice


Restaurants in nearby Dubičky


The closest bus stop is "Řehlovice, Dubice, Dubičky" directions_railway directions_bus. There is also a parking lot nearby. From there it is a 900m walk to the view.

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