Euroregion Elbe/Labe


Highest mountain and thus the "Queen of the Bohemian Central Mountains" with a magnificent panorama

The Milešovka (in Czech female, in German male Milleschauer), at 836 m, is the highest mountain in the Central Bohemian Mountains and is often referred to as its queen. As a former volcanic cone, it has a particularly even shape and is therefore not only because of its height remarkable from far away.

The world traveller and natural scientist Alexander von Humboldt called the view from the Milešovka the third most beautiful in the world. From the massif of the Erzgebirge in the north, the view glides eastwards over Bohemian Switzerland, goes as far as the Lusatian and Zittau Mountains, in good distant view even as far as the Jizera and Giant Mountains, Ještěd mountain near Liberec can be easily recognized by its bright peak, then the eyes wander over the neighbouring mountains of the Bohemian Central Mountains and the plains in the south until they reach the North Bohemian open-cast lignite coal mines in the west.

After a strenuous ascent, a snack at the summit helps you recover. Afterwards the observation tower is worth visiting, which also houses a meteorological station and provides a lot of interesting information on weather and climate.

If you choose the ascent from Bílka, you can still visit the modernly reconstructed Chapel of St. Wenceslas and the German-Czech Friendship Trail, laid out in 2002, with 14 sculptures towards the summit.

A very nice interactive panorama of the summit can be found at


Milešov 91
411 32 Velemín

Opening hours

Chata Milešovka (snacks)

Friday 18:00 – 20:00
Saturday 9:00 – 19:00
Sunday 9:00 – 17:00


You can climb the Milešovka from all sides. From the north, from Bílka, you have to reckon with about an hour and on the way you can admire the sculptures of the German-Czech Friendship Path. From Černice you have the shortest way. A start in Milešov offers the possibility of a view of the chateau (today a home for the elderly). From Velemín the longest way leads to the top. In connection with an ascent of the neighbouring mountain Kletečná one can make a longer walk from the east.

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