Euroregion Elbe/Labe


Highest mountain of the Saxon Eastern Erzgebirge with a grandiose view up to the Fichtelberg

The Kahleberg is with 905 m the highest mountain of the Saxon Eastern Erzgebirge on the Saxon side (on the Czech side it goes even 4 m higher). You can recognize the Kahleberg as an elongated ridge with a steep slope on the north side even from far away.

The view from Kahleberg stretches from the neighboring peaks of the Erzgebirge ridge over the Elbe valley to Saxon and Bohemian Switzerland. In good visibility you can see Fichtelberg and Keilberg, which are almost 70 km away.

Below the viewpoint, there are prominent boulder heaps, which represent a special biotope and are an area natural monument.

In winter, Kahleberg and its surroundings are very popular with cross-country skiers. The mountain hut on the summit offers snacks.

In the 1970s and 1980s, air pollution and acid rain - mainly caused by the power plants on the Czech side - affected the forest, especially on Kahleberg, to such an extent that it lived up to its name. Since the 1990s, however, it has recovered well.

Very extensive information about the Kahleberg area, especially about nature and landscape, can be found on the page


01773 Altenberg

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