Euroregion Elbe/Labe

Marienschacht Bannewitz

Mining and regional museum with the striking headframe of a former mine

The winding tower of the Marienschacht, a so-called Malakow tower ( see Wikipedia ), is a landmark on the outskirts of Dresden that is clearly visible from many directions due to its exposed location, size and shape. It is a technical monument of mining construction from the end of the 18th century and the only surviving winding tower of its kind in East Germany. You also have a great view of Dresden from here. The museum, run by a committed association in the adjacent building, tells the story of mining in the region and in Saxony. For example, it offers an operating mine and garden railway system with many details.

On mining history

In 1886, the sinking work on the Marienschacht began and lasted a total of over 7 years. From 1893 to 1930, hard coal was mined and then operations were stopped. In 1957, the "Willi Agatz" Gittersee hard coal works put the shaft back into operation, and in 1968 SDAG Wismut took over coal mining for uranium extraction. In 1989, the shaft was finally shut down and filled. Extensive renovation work was then carried out on the dump by Wismut GmbH. The entire mining facility was preserved and, together with the building complex, is a listed building.

Cycling and hiking trail

The cycle and hiking path from Dresden-Gittersee to Possendorf, which runs along a former mine railway line, runs past the building. The most beautiful part of this path is between Gittersee and the Marienschacht.

(This is an automatic translation by Google Translator.)


Schachtstraße 12
01728 Bannewitz


Tel: +49 351 4708851

Tel: +49 174 3201322




Opening hours

January to March


April to October

Sa: 2 p.m. - 6 p.m.

Group tours of 10 people or more are possible outside of the opening times by prior arrangement (see contact).

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Adults: € 2.00
Children from 5 to 14 years: € 1.50
Family ticket: € 5.00 (2 adults + 2 children up to 14 years)

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Renting as an event room ( more information )

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The bus stop "Cunnersdorf Marienschacht" directions_railway directions_bus is a few meters next to the Marienschacht.

We also recommend a hike or bike ride on the former railway embankment, which leads directly past the Marienschacht. If you don't want it to be too long, you can start this at the bus stop "Bannewitz Windbergstraße" directions_railway directions_bus, which is served much more often than the bus stop at Marienschacht.

Some parking spaces are available directly at the Marienschacht.

(This is an automatic translation by Google Translator.)

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