Euroregion Elbe/Labe

Old gas works Hřensko

Former gas works in the style of an old castle

Achieved in 1905 in the style of a medieval castle and built between rocks in a ravine to protect against explosions, the gas works produced acetylene. This was used to supply the surrounding residential buildings.
The factory was only in operation for about 20 years, in the meantime it was converted into residential purposes before it was renovated in 2004 and converted into a private guesthouse.
Today you can rent rooms here and eat in the restaurant or on the terrace.

(This is an automatic translation by Google Translator.)


Hřensko 119
407 17 Hřensko


Tel: +420 770 656 505



Opening hours

Pension and accommodation permanent, restaurant seasonally different

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The "Hřensko" ferry station directions_railway directions_bus and the bus stop are about an eight-minute walk from the old gas works.

(This is an automatic translation by Google Translator.)

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