Euroregion Elbe/Labe

Weekly review no. 41

Former Hejtman competes again - 10 years of the National Park Railway celebrated - Sculpture exhibition on July 27 in Řehlovice - Germany not so unpopular with the Czechs


Former Hejtman competes again

Oldřich Bubeníček
Oldřich Bubeníček (© Petr Berounský; CC BY-SA 4.0)

In the Czech districts (meaning "kraj", sometimes also translated as "region"), the regional representatives and thus indirectly also the respective Hejtman, i.e. the highest post, will be newly elected on September 20 and 21. In the Ústí district, there will definitely be a change in the hejtman, as the previous incumbent Jan Schiller from the ANO will not be standing again. He wants to become a senator. Instead, the ANO is sending the primátor (mayor) of Chomutov, Marek Hrabáč, into the race and is likely to have the best chance of winning the election.

There is a surprise on the left: on the one hand, the Communists (KSČM) and Social Democrats (ČSSD) are running together and, on the other, they are fielding a very familiar face in Oldřich Bubeníček (KSČM). He was Hejtman of the Ústí district from 2012 to 2020 and was very popular.

Celebrating 10 years of the national park railroad

On July 5, Dolní Poustevná and Sebnitz celebrated the 10th anniversary of the closing of the gap between the two towns and the National Park Railway, which has been running between Děčín and Rumburk via Bad Schandau ever since. To mark the occasion, the "Lužickohorský rychlík" train, which normally runs from Prague to Mikulášovice at weekends, was extended to Sebnitz. There was a varied program in Dolní Poustevna, including Ivan Mládek, who became famous in the 1970s with funny songs such as "Jožin z bažin" or "Prachovské skály".

Sculpture exhibition on July 27 in Řehlovice

Kulturzentrum Řehlovice
Řehlovice Cultural Center (© Spolek sochařů a výtvarníků)

This weekend, an international sculpture symposium will begin at the Řehlovice Cultural Center near Ústí nad Labem with the theme "Artificial intelligence - curse or blessing?" This year marks the 25th edition of the symposium. Around two dozen artists from the Czech Republic, Germany and around the world will express in sandstone how they perceive the influence of modern technologies on society.

The results will be presented to the public at the Řehlovice Cultural Center on 27 July. If you don't know the place yet, you should definitely go there(see this map).

Invitation to the vernissage (PDF)

Germany not so unpopular with the Czechs

Anteil der Noten 1 und 2 für Deutschland, Frankreich, Großbritannien und USA seit 1994
Percentage of scores 1 and 2 for Germany, France, Great Britain and the USA since 1994 (© STEM)

The Czech opinion research institute STEM has been regularly investigating the attitudes of the Czech population towards selected countries for years. In this year's survey, Austria emerged as the winner for the first time, just ahead of Slovakia, which usually comes in first place. China, Russia and Palestine were at the bottom of the list by a wide margin.

Germany was rated 1 or 2 by 55% of respondents, placing it in the middle of the field. This is hardly a change compared to recent years, but a clear improvement compared to the 1990s (see chart). The average score of 2.4 is also in the - very broad - midfield.

Czech-speakers can find the results on the STEM website .

On our own behalf: Two-week break

Due to vacation and the usual summer break, the newsletter will now take a two-week break. We will be back in August and wish you a great summer until then!




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