Euroregion Elbe/Labe

»»Rok ďabla«« (The Year of the Devil) on June 5 at Czech Film Wednesday

The extraordinary and award-winning film about well-known Czech musicians will be shown on June 5th at 8 p.m. in the Zentralkino Dresden.


Karel Plíhal und Jarek Nohavica in »Rok ďabla«
Karel Plíhal and Jarek Nohavica in »Rock of Eden« (© Czech Television)

Petr Zelenka tells the story of Jaromír Nohavica, Karel Plíhal and the band Čechomor in an unconventional way, taking a documentary look at the period when the singer was recovering from his alcohol addiction. The film is enriched with interviews not only with the actors, but also with other interesting people, which undoubtedly include the musician Jaz Coleman and the Dutch documentary filmmaker Jan Holman (Jan Prent), who wants to catch Nohavica at the moment he starts drinking again. A skilled mystifier, Zelenka also has scenes in his film with a surreal, mystical - even supernatural - tone.

In 2002, the film won the main prize at the Karlovy Vary Film Festival as well as the Bohemian Lion film award in six categories.

More about the film and tickets

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