Euroregion Elbe/Labe

Filmfestival "One World" also in Ústí und Děčín

The human rights film festival “Everyone Svět” will take place in Ústí nad Labem until March 23rd and in Děčín from April 10th to 13th.


The renowned human rights film festival “Everyone Svět” (One World) opened in Prague on Wednesday. The festival was launched in 1999 and is an integral part of the work of the well-known foundation "Člověk v tísni" (People in Need). Today the festival is the largest of its kind in the world.

Documentaries about human rights from all over the world will be presented. Every year not only filmmakers from different countries of the world come there, but also protagonists and defenders of human rights. Conversations with them are one of the pillars of the program.

The festival takes place not only in Prague, but this year in 47 other cities across the Czech Republic. In our region, films are shown in Ústí nad Labem (at our friends from Hraničář) and in Děčín .

(This is an automatic translation by Google Translator.)

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