Euroregion Elbe/Labe

»Světáci« on 02.08. at the Czech Film Wednesday

On the first Wednesday in August, we will show the fast-paced comedy "Světáci" from 1969 at 8 p.m. in the Central Cinema as part of the "Czech Film Wednesday" series.


Scene from »Hoří, má panenko« (The Firemen's Ball)

Like every first Wednesday of the month, on June 7th at 8 p.m. we will be showing a Czech film classic in the "Czech Film Wednesday" series in the central cinema. This time Miloš Forman's bitter satire »Hoří, má panenko« (The Firemen's Ball) from 1967 is shown.

A fire brigade ball in Vrchlabi turns into a complete fiasco: everyone lets themselves be mercilessly flooded and behaves accordingly. For a spontaneous beauty election, candidates must be "won" quickly. However, they are so reluctant that in the end an even more stupid solution is found. As the festival progresses, more and more of the raffle prizes disappear. Nobody here seems to have any qualms about helping themselves. At the peak there is a fire alarm...

In the run-up to the Prague Spring, Miloš Forman shot this evil satire of everyday life in his homeland. The idea came to him after attending a firemen's ball in Vrchlabí. The censors interpreted the film as a criticism of the system and banned it after three weeks. However, he went abroad, became internationally known and was even nominated for an Oscar in 1969.

More about the film and tickets

(This is an automatic translation by Google Translator.)

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