Euroregion Elbe/Labe

This year's HeuHoj-Camp - the German-Czech meadow camp is looking for participants

Join us and enjoy adventures where you will meet many new friends and gain unforgettable memories for life. Swimming fun after work, singing around the campfire, super-delicious cuisine, neighborhood party at the border and much more await you!

In order to see the meadows in the Eastern Ore Mountains in full bloom and to preserve biodiversity, these biotopes need annual care. You contribute to the preservation of the cultural landscape of the Ore Mountains. You are actively involved in the development of the border region and have a lot of fun. On the last day of the camp we organize the German-Czech neighborhood festival in Bohemian-Zinnwald.

Spend 4 days on blooming mountain meadows and wet meadows - with the scythes, brush cutters and hand saws tending to the rocks, with pitchforks and rakes at the hay harvest.

Explore the culture and history of the border region for 3 days - we will cycle through the countryside and look for traces of human fate in nature.


In order to see the meadows in the Eastern Ore Mountains in full bloom and to preserve biodiversity, these biotopes need annual care. You contribute to the preservation of the cultural landscape of the Ore Mountains. You are actively involved in the development of the border region and have a lot of fun. On the last day of the camp we organize the German-Czech neighborhood festival in Bohemian-Zinnwald.

Spend 4 days on blooming mountain meadows and wet meadows - with the scythes, brush cutters and hand saws tending to the rocks, with pitchforks and rakes at the hay harvest.

Explore the culture and history of the border region for 3 days - we will cycle through the countryside and look for traces of human fate in nature.

(This is an automatic translation by Google Translator.)

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