Euroregion Elbe/Labe

140. Sandstone Swiss - Issued for November by the Saxon Switzerland National Park Administration

What's new in the Saxon Switzerland National Park?


What's new in the Saxon Switzerland National Park?

• Schmilka winter village
• Schmidt country bakery
• "Wool bloom" gives the sheep wool
• The National Park Guard has a new head
• The story of the "ball tree"
• Species-rich meadows awarded at the Mountain Meadow Festival
• With special technology against impassable paths
• Competence network for tourism mobility
• Saxon Switzerland tourism model
• Press release from SIB Stadtradeln und Fahrradgarage
• Wild boar with oven pumpkin
• Dates and events

Newsletter for download

Source: Joint initiative of Staatsbetrieb Sachsenforst National Park Administration Saxon Switzerland and Association Landschaf (f) t Zukunft e. V.

(This is an automatic translation by Google Translator.)

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