Euroregion Elbe/Labe

Survey on cross-border funding 2021-2027

In preparation for the funding period beginning in 2021, a general survey is being conducted to select the funding priorities of the cooperation program Saxony-Czech Republic .


Next year the new funding period is to begin, also in the INTERREG area. For this purpose, the cooperation programme Saxony-Czech Republic is currently being developed.

In order to ensure that the funding priorities are not determined without taking into account the needs, we are interested in the feedback of potential project sponsors on which topics they could imagine projects, which is why a general survey is being conducted.

If you are interested in cross-border cooperation, think about project ideas or develop cross-border projects and want to carry them out with partners in the Czech Republic or Saxony, you can make an important contribution to the preparation of the programme with your information.

The German language version of the online survey can be found in the participation portal of the Saxon State Government under the following link:

Before you start, one more technical note: On the start page of the survey, click on the link (top left) "to the questionnaire" to go to your own survey.

The survey starts on 11 May 2020 and will be active until June 5th, 2020.

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