Euroregion Elbe/Labe

SAVE THE DATE: Symposium on October 7th, 2020 on growing up multilingual

"Our neighbors among us: How can growing up multilingual be supported in everyday daycare?"


"Our neighbors among us: How multilingual growing in Kita-day life can be supported?" - with this motto all interested parties to Saxon-Czech specialists and practice day as part of the are Czech-German Culture Days invited to Dresden.

when: 07.10.2020, 10 a.m. - 4 p.m.

where: Saxon State Center for Political Education , Schützenhofstrasse 36, 01129 Dresden

Participants: Saxon, Czech and Polish actors from the field of pre-school education, in particular:

  • Daycare professionals and daycare providers
  • German / Czech / Polish native speakers who work in daycare centers in the respective neighboring country

as well as everyone interested in the topic.

Conference languages: German, Czech

You can find detailed information, the conference program and the option to register online at .

German-Czech event flyer

Source: Saxon State Office for Early Neighbor Language Education, Bahnhofstrasse 24, 02826 Görlitz

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