Euroregion Elbe/Labe


If projects cannot be carried out as planned due to the Corona crisis, the following regulations apply:

Costs for the cancellation of external orders due to the Corona problem are eligible costs. They can be listed in the billing list.

If events are postponed to another point in time that is no longer in the original project period, an amendment agreement will be made to the grant agreement in order to extend the project period.

If planned events are held at a different time and exceed the approved budget due to cancellation costs, the local steering committee will propose a resolution to increase the funding amount (which will certainly also be approved). However, this is only possible if the maximum amount of 15,000 euros has not yet been exhausted.

You can of course contact us at any time if you have specific questions in connection with a project. It is best to write an email , we mostly work from home.

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