Euroregion Elbe/Labe

Bohemian travel pictures - photographs by Peter R. Fischer

Vernissage of the exhibition • 13.9. • 16 o'clock • Radfahrerkirche Stadt Wehlen


"If you live in Dresden, Bohemia is practically on your doorstep. Ústí nad Labem and Teplice are closer than Chemnitz, Liberec is hardly further than Görlitz and Leipzig, Prague much closer than Berlin. And from the town of Wehlen it is just a few steps away. In spring 2017 I travelled for longer and several times in South and West Bohemia, in autumn 2018 I made two trips through the northern and eastern regions and another two days in Prague. Bohemia is mainly a region of small towns," says photographer Peter R. Fischer, who has been working in Dresden since 2008.

His photographs, he continues, "mostly come from smaller towns, small and occasionally large cities, rarely from landscapes. "Historical, important" motifs are not left out, but the focus here is on the search for one's own or new perspectives, the detection of unexpected connections. Apart from that, my eye is strongly devoted to the details that more or less tell how people deal with history, what has what value in the present, what an eye or no eye is there for, what is more vital or not".

The exhibition is supported by the Euroregion Elbe/Labe.

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