Euroregion Elbe/Labe

Jugendcamp 2021 2.0



Lead Partner:

THW Jugend Sachsen e. V.
Rottwerndorfer Straße 45p, 01796 Pirna

Project partner:

SH ČMS Sbor dobrovolných hasičů Chabařovice
Teplicka 375, 40317 Chabarovice


01.02.21 - 31.03.22


15.000,00 Euro


As part of this project, the children and young people of the THW youth in Pirna and the SH ČMS Sbor dobrovolných hasičů Chabařo-vice are to take part in a youth camp in the children's and youth village ERNA eV. Excursions and joint leisure activities encourage cross-border cooperation and mutual understanding and consideration, and friendships are deepened. The cooperation between the two partners has existed since 2008 and is lived through several joint events each year. It should also be continued in the future. In order to pass on the idea of cooperation to the next generation, encounters lasting several days are of particular importance

(This is an automatic translation by Google Translator.)

Ergebnisse, Mehrwert, Nachhaltigkeit

As part of the German-Czech youth camp, the children and young people get to know the surroundings of Saxon Switzerland together and exchange ideas in order to build or strengthen friendships. This will further strengthen the basis for future meetings between the children and young people of the two project partners and for the continuation of the cooperation. General prejudices against people from another country with a different language can also be broken down and intercultural skills can be acquired. During the encounter, the participants acquire not only technical knowledge, but also important social skills: they learn from each other, try out working in a team and experience the Cohesion in a group. In the youth camp, the importance of their voluntary work becomes clear to the participants and encourages them in their commitment. The encounter thus also fulfills the future-oriented task of the THW Jugend Sachsen as a carrier of free youth work: young people "to stimulate and lead to social responsibility and social engagement" (§ 11 SGB VIII). The German-Czech cooperation is also of practical relevance in disaster control (among other things, it is laid down in the Bayreuth Agreement). In order to lay the foundations for effective cooperation at an early stage, the consolidation of cross-border relationships is of particular importance. Participation makes it possible to build networks and consolidate existing contacts. The education of the children and young people of the two project partners as part of the youth camp will also serve disaster control in the future.

(This is an automatic translation by Google Translator.)

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