Euroregion Elbe/Labe

Huckepack @TDKT20



Lead Partner:

Kommunalgemeinschaft Euroregion OE/OE e.V.
An der Kreuzkirche 6, 01067 Dresden

Project partner:

Euroregion Labe
Velká Hradební 2, 40001 Ústí nad Labem


19.08.20 - 31.01.22


5032,04 Euro

Logo Kommunalgemeinschaft Euroregion OE/OE e.V.


The Czech-German Culture Days in the Euroregion Elbe / Labe (TDKT) have been bringing people in the border region closer to the culture of the neighboring country for 22 years. They have developed into the largest cross-border festival in Europe. The focus of the TDKT is traditionally on allowing cultural workers to appear in the respective neighboring country. Since our partner is not planning any events with German artists in the Czech Republic, we have taken on this task. The concert in Teplice (and the next day in Dresden) is a special feature, as both countries will be represented on the stage together. We now also want to strengthen the encounter aspect by encouraging visitors to cross the border themselves, so that German and Czech audiences can meet at events. We also want to increase the awareness of Czech locations that are less publicly present. In addition to the program of the Collegium Bohemicum, we are planning a total of 11 events on the Czech side, mostly in smaller locations. We want to offer bus shuttles to the public from Germany for four of these events as well as for the opening of the TDKT in Ústí. It is not yet possible to foresee the level of interest the events will generate in places that are not established venues or are little known to the German public. The result of a first experiment in 2019 did not point in any clear direction. If we are successful, we will continue on this path in the future. The opening of the TDKT will take place exclusively on the Czech side for the first time. That is why we want to transport the German public there in buses and also relieve the Collegium Bohemicum with catering for the German guests. This, too, is an experiment, the outcome of which will be groundbreaking for future years.

(This is an automatic translation by Google Translator.)

Ergebnisse, Mehrwert, Nachhaltigkeit

In the project, on the one hand, cultural events are carried out at previously unused locations in the Euroregion as part of the TDKT. This addresses new target groups, increases the cultural diversity in rural areas and directs the focus there. If the events are of interest to the public, they will play a bigger role in the TDKT program in the future. On the other hand, the project brings people from Saxony and the Czech Republic together and brings German visitors closer to places they probably haven't known before. Such positive experiences are a good basis for future trips to the neighboring country.

(This is an automatic translation by Google Translator.)

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