Euroregion Elbe/Labe

Jiddisch und Klezmer über Grenzen hinweg - singen und spielen gegen Antisemitismus



Lead Partner:

Jüdische Musik- und Theaterwoche Dresden e.V.
Bautzner Straße 20, 01099 Dresden

Project partner:

Ulpan Teplice
Duchcovská 1505/3, 41501 Teplice


15.06.20 - 31.12.21


0 Euro


The project consists of two concerts of Yiddish songs and klezmer music, which will be performed at the Jewish Music and Theater Week Dresden and the Jewish-Czech cultural festival "Dny židovské kultury-Teplický cimes". The cooperation between the two cultural festivals has existed since 2014. The concerts are attended by the school choir of the Kreuzgymnasium Dresden and the school choir of the Austrian grammar school in Prague ( The performances are led by Sasha Lurje, star of the worldwide klezmer scene as a singer and long-time member of the Yiddish Summer Weimar team; she gives concerts and teaches all over Europe, the USA, Canada and South America ( The klezmer music is played by a student-teacher-instrumental ensemble from the Kreuzgymnasium, which is coached and coached by the accordionist Sanne Möricke ( and the klezmer violinist Craig Judelman ( In addition, there are solo pieces by all invited musicians, accompanied by the instrumental ensemble of the Kreuzgymnasium. The overall artistic direction as well as a large part of the instrumental music is in the hands of women. This is an important signal regarding equal opportunities for women in the field of music. The aim of the project is to bring people from Bohemia and Saxony closer to Jewish (music) culture and its protagonists at first hand and thus to take a stand against anti-Semitism and discrimination. Making music together promotes mutual understanding and breaks down prejudices, especially with this repertoire, which was once an essential part of mutual local culture. Long-term goal: to establish an annual pedagogically guided cooperation between Czech and German amateur musicians (children and adults) for Jewish music. Target group: those directly involved (schoolchildren and teachers) as well as their parents and friends, the Germany-wide klezmer audience and the "normal" concert audience in the two regions that the internationally known artists Sasha Lurje, Sanne Möricke and Craig Judelman want to hear.

(This is an automatic translation by Google Translator.)

Ergebnisse, Mehrwert, Nachhaltigkeit

The cooperation between the "Jewish Music and Theater Week Dresden" and the "Dny židovské kultury-Teplický cimes" took place for the first time in 2014. The exchange between the two cultural festivals aims in particular to give local and international artists the opportunity to act across borders and to work with one another. The immediate result of this year's project will be an intercultural and intergenerational collaboration that enables people from both sides of the border to work towards a common goal and to build friendships. We are also expecting two well-attended and aesthetically pleasing concerts that bring people together who normally do not have much contact: tearing down walls and building familiarity between cultures is the first step towards mutual understanding. We hope that this year's project will result in a long-term, innovative educational cooperation project. With the title "Playing Against Anti-Semitism", it brings young people into contact with Jewish cultural actors and their culture: a positive and interactive way of combating anti-Semitism. In addition, it shows that Jewish culture is a living, dynamic entity. Our plan is to expand this innovative project with our neighbors. We continue to plan to exchange high-level, innovative cultural events with one another. In 2020 the Czech-German Days will open in the New Synagogue Dresden - with a dialogue between the Czech Chief Rabbi Karol Sidon and the young Dresden rabbi, Akiva Weingarten. This is followed by a joint celebration with kosher delicacies and music by the German-Czech "Naches Trio". The Czech band "Flying Rabbi" will perform during the Jewish week. We are looking forward to numerous cooperation projects in 2021, the 1700th anniversary of Judaism in Germany, when the festival theme revolves around the German-speaking Jews who once lived all over Bohemia and Galicia - a culture that knows no borders.

(This is an automatic translation by Google Translator.)

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