Euroregion Elbe/Labe

Global Camp 2020: Vielfalt als Chance!



Lead Partner:

Reinhold-Becker-Strasse 5, 01277 Dresden

Project partner:

Dětský domov a Školní jídelna Litoměřice
Čelakovského 8, 41201 Litoměřice


01.03.20 - 30.09.21


8.022,03 Euro


Heterogeneity is always present in our societies + has often been both a motor for (further) developments and disputes. The central goal of this encounter is: to perceive diversity and plurality as the reality of our life that surrounds us + by dealing with individual aspects, among other things, to develop a stronger inter- + transcultural sensitivity, to expand one's own foreign language skills, to acquire concrete knowledge on the topic of dealing with Diversity + heterogeneity. The German as well as the Czech participants all come from children's homes or supervised youth housing groups + are in very challenging social circumstances. The encounter will start here + in thematic workshops to make heterogeneity tangible and tangible in the target group in an appropriate manner (see program). Another possibility to deal with the ability to withstand heterogeneity, dealing with diversity, the ability to tolerate + personal handling of the topic of human rights is intercultural learning, which can be implemented very well in international youth encounters. Here young people have the opportunity to reflect on themselves in their cultural contexts, to develop intercultural sensitivity, to get to know new cultures, attitudes + worlds + experience + diversity + inclusion in the peer group. This will be implemented in a German-Czech meeting seminar with intensive educational + methodological + creative support. With its participatory structure, the project also wants to improve participation and active, democratic citizenship of the participants, strengthen their self-confidence and arouse or strengthen their interest in social processes organized a press conference during the encounter. The target group of the activity are journalists + through them the interested public in the border area on the Saxon + Czech side. The partners involved will point out + inform about the encounter on their websites.

(This is an automatic translation by Google Translator.)

Ergebnisse, Mehrwert, Nachhaltigkeit

In the encounter, the participants acquire concrete knowledge and experience about aspects of social diversity. In addition, by taking part in the international encounter with participants who are also heterogeneous within the country groups, skills such as dealing with diversity and heterogeneity, foreign language skills and intercultural sensitivity are strengthened. Reflective learning also aims to improve the ability to learn and increase motivation to participate in future educational events. The participants will not only develop skills for themselves, but will also radiate them to their surroundings and positively change the communication there on the topics of immigration, prejudice and discrimination, tolerance, the importance of Europe and justice and sustainability. The caregivers involved will use their method. Improve skills and experience the advantages of an international youth exchange for yourself and pass them on to your professional environment. The participating organizations are strengthened in their international network or begin to build one themselves. Since the project involves partners from different regions of Saxony and the Czech Republic, it helps to strengthen European relations and the cosmopolitanism, especially in rural regions in Saxony and the Czech Republic that are “left behind”.

(This is an automatic translation by Google Translator.)

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