Euroregion Elbe/Labe

Film Deutsch-Tschechischer Freiwilligendienst in der Euroregion Elbe-Labe



Lead Partner:

PARITÄTISCHE Freiwilligendienste Sachsen gGmbH
Am Brauhaus 8, 01099 Dresden

Project partner:

Dobrovolnické centrum, z.s.
Prokopa Diviše 1605/5, 40001 Ústí nad Labem


01.02.20 - 31.03.22


11918,07 Euro


Since 2014, the applicants have been coordinating a German-Czech voluntary service, in which every year young people from Germany and the Czech Republic complete a voluntary service in the respective neighboring country for one year each. We have now made it possible for over 100 young people to do voluntary service in the Czech Republic and Germany. Despite slowly increasing demand, the project is battling prejudices about Germany and the Czech Republic. In the Czech Republic in particular, it is a great challenge to inspire young people to do voluntary service in neighboring Germany. The Czech group of volunteers is always smaller than the German group. There are currently 11 German volunteers and only 5 Czech volunteers taking part in the program. The aim of this project is to make the bi-national voluntary service better known on both sides of the border. In the German-Czech film (subtitles) one German and one Czech volunteer should be portrayed. In addition, the deployment sites should report on the added value of a German volunteer in a Czech school for the school and the region. The two applicants should also report on their perspective in the film. After the film has been produced, it will be shown at the Czech-German Culture Days 2020 with a panel discussion. The planned venues are: Dresden, Pirna, Ústí nad Labem and Děčín. During the discussion, current or former volunteers from DE and CZ as well as representatives of the deployment sites and the applicants should bring the added value of cross-border cooperation closer to the audience. After the end of the project, the bilingual film will be shown in schools in the Euroregion and short versions will be presented on the homepages and in the social media channels of the applicants. In the film and in the composition of the discussion panel, we will consider equality of opportunity and non-discrimination based on gender, race or ethnic origin and / or equality between men and women.

(This is an automatic translation by Google Translator.)

Ergebnisse, Mehrwert, Nachhaltigkeit

Results: The aim of the project is to provide applicants with an appealing medium (film) that reaches the target group (demonstrations + panel discussion). The screenings of the film serve as an element of public relations for the German-Czech Voluntary Service and increase awareness of the program in the region. By integrating (synergy effects) the TDKT in four performances, the corresponding target group is also reached at no cost. In the film, two volunteers from Germany and the Czech Republic will report on their experiences in the neighboring country. It should be shown that the Euroregion is a positive place for voluntary service with exciting work opportunities for volunteers in Saxony and Bohemia. Representatives of the deployment sites should also have their say and show the added value of volunteers from the neighboring country for their own clientele. The two applicants should also report in the film about the added value of the bi-national voluntary service for the region and the people. Added value: The presentation of the film makes an important program for German-Czech relations in the region visible. The project makes people aware of the German-Czech voluntary service. Based on the information conveyed from the film, prejudices are broken down and the neighboring country is presented as an attractive region for young people. Sustainability: The production of the film is sustainable, as the film should continue to be shown after the end of the project period, for example at schools or interested organizations. Shorter variants are to be disseminated on the applicant's homepage and in social media.

(This is an automatic translation by Google Translator.)

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