Euroregion Elbe/Labe

Sport - 2019/2020



Lead Partner:

Stadt Sebnitz
Kirchstraße 5, 01855 Sebnitz

Project partner:

Město Dolní Poustevna
Vilémovská 22, 40782 Dolní Poustevna


01.10.19 - 30.06.20


9.953,89 Euro


The " 2019/2020" project is a project that builds on the successful projects from previous years. The city administration of Sebnitz submits the application to the Euroregion Elbe. The project is based on the practice of recreational and competitive sports that take place in summer as well as in winter (lessons in inline skating, figure skating, ice hockey, floorball and, more recently, acrobatic dance). The project is already running for the eleventh season and due to the positive feedback from previous years, all age groups, not only children and young people but also adults, are once again included in the project. The project helps to break down language barriers and the city of D. Poustevna is intensifying its cooperation with its project partner on the German side with this project. The following organizations take part in the project: • City of Dolní Poustevna (LP) • Kindergarten and elementary school D.Poustevna • Elementary and practical school Gabriela Pelechová in D.Poustevna • Schrödinger Institute • Ice hockey club HC Kanci • Stars Cheerleaders Sebnitz • City administration Sebnitz (PP1 ) • SoliVital Sebnitz • Regiebetrieb Sebnitz Regular activities: a) from 01.10.2019 to 31.03.2020: - for approx. 30 children two-hour ice skating lessons in the ice rink in Rumburk - for approx. 20 children two-hour ice hockey lessons in the ice rink in Varnsdorf - for approx. 20 adults one-hour ice skating and ice hockey lessons in the ice rink in Rumburk - the established ice hockey team regularly takes part in ice hockey competitions in D. Poustevna, Rumburk, Varnsdorf, Geising, Freital or Dresden - children, young people and, more recently, adults - two-hour floor hockey lessons in SoliVital in Sebnitz (children on Wednesdays) and two-hour floorball lessons in D.Poustevna (adults achsene Mondays) b) new from October 1, 2019 to June 30, 2020 Acrobatic dance lessons for children from both sides of the border in Sebnitz: • 3-hour lessons once a week (38-40 weeks / year) • 3-hour lessons once a month on Saturdays (10 times per year) c) April 1, 2020 to June 30, 2020 (all) two-hour inline skating lessons

(This is an automatic translation by Google Translator.)

Ergebnisse, Mehrwert, Nachhaltigkeit

Both partners enjoy working together, the activities within the framework of the project are developing very well, the project is proving to be a successful example of long-term cross-border cooperation. The project partners have now agreed on a collaboration with the "Stars Cheerleaders Sebnitz", where children can try out acrobatics. Adults also get involved in floorball lessons. The project increases awareness of cross-border cooperation and the opportunities for development in sporting activities in both countries. The ice hockey team represents this at competitions. By working together, mutual prejudices are broken down, friendships are made and a healthy lifestyle is promoted at the same time. With the implementation of this project, we want to enable a broader public, regardless of nationality, age and athletic ability, to spend their free time in an entertaining way. The target group are primarily German and Czech children and families with children as well as adult sports fans. Why do the project partners want to continue the project? There are many reasons: - to teach previous and new participants how to skate and play ice hockey - they acquire strength, endurance, speed and a better condition - the participants increase their self-confidence, learn to compete and learn the rules of fair play - they learn a lot mastering other sporting activities such as running, jumping, special flexibility and now also acrobatics - games such as soccer, basketball, etc. are common sports that are also given attention in training; In this way, the skills in ice hockey are supplemented, which contributes to all-round development - fun is also in the foreground - the skills learned support what the participants learn at home and in school - children and adults learn many new skills, regardless the mother tongue; The project participants experience joy and at the same time learn discipline and responsibility.

(This is an automatic translation by Google Translator.)

Best practice

Das Projekt trug zur Festigung der Zusammenarbeit beider Städte bei, zugleich wurden die Kenntnisse über die gemeinsame Region bei den Projektteilnehmern und Gästen verstärkt. Die Kinder und Projektpartner knüpften engere Kontakte. Dadurch wurde die Identifizierung der Projektteilnehmer mit der Region gestärkt. Die grenzüberschreitende Öffentlichkeitsarbeit verbreitete nicht nur Informationen über das Projekt selbst, sondern auch über die Region.

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