Euroregion Elbe/Labe

Austauschpraktikum der Auszubildenden in den medizinischen Berufsfachschulen





Lead Partner:

Bildungswerk der Sächsischen Wirtschaft gGmbH
Rudolf-Walther-Straße 4, 01156 Dresden

Project partner:

Vyšší odborná škola zdravotnická a Střední škola zdravotnická Ústí nad Labem
Palachova 35, 40001 Ústí nad Labem


01.01.20 - 31.12.20


4873,86 Euro


This project aims at cross-border cooperation and the transfer of knowledge as well as gaining experience with students who study the same subject and live in a border area. The aim of this project is to improve the technical, linguistic, sociocultural and intercultural competences of the students from the medical schools and to increase the students' level of knowledge about the organization of nursing and the processes in the nursing area. Secondary goals include the transfer of new knowledge into the classroom, bringing together young people from the neighboring country, breaking down prejudices and strengthening young people's independence. In this project, we will work together with the Medical Vocational School of the Dresden City Clinic, which will send its trainees and teachers to Ústi nad Labem for an exchange internship and receive Czech students for a reciprocal exchange and secure the internship at the Dresden City Clinic. Project activities: • Motivation trip for the Czech students to Dresden and the German students to Ústi nad Labem. After the selection of the participants (2 times 5 German and 5 Czech students): • Each Czech language course for the German participants (20 TU) • A one-day joint preparatory seminar for the Czech and German students to strengthen teamwork and increase the intercultural skills - twice in the project, always before the exchange internship (1x in Usti nad Labem and 1x in Dresden). • A 5-day exchange internship for the Czech students in the Dresden City Clinic and then a 5-day exchange internship for the German students in the Masaryk Hospital in Usti nL. –This activity takes place twice in the project (Sun-Fri), always carried out in tandem (one German and one Czech student). • Then a one-day project day in Ústi as well as in Dresden. In doing so, all students will present their new experiences to their other classmates (as large a multiplication effect as possible). As part of joint preparation, two work meetings will take place for each internship. At the end of the project, project evaluation

(This is an automatic translation by Google Translator.)

Ergebnisse, Mehrwert, Nachhaltigkeit

The students will have the level of knowledge about the organization of nursing, the nursing procedures and the type of specialist training in Saxony. Students will share this information with other students and incorporate it into the classroom and internship at the hospital. The students improve their technical and linguistic skills and strengthen their socio-cultural and intercultural skills. The project helps to break down prejudices and strengthens the young people's independence. Through encounters between the educators, know-how knowledge is passed on and new knowledge is exchanged and applied in practical lessons.

(This is an automatic translation by Google Translator.)

Best practice

Während des Projekts wurden zwei Motivationsbesuche durchgeführt. Ein Besuch war in Ústí nad Labem, der zweite in Dresden. Die Atmosphähre unter der deutschen und tschechischen Schülern und Pädagogen war immer sehr freundlich und entgegenkommend. Bei dem Sprachanimationsprogramm lernten sich die Schüler kennen und es wurde auf einer sehr amüsanten und entspannten Weise die Sprachbarierre abgebaut. Bei den Besuchen in der Schulen und in den Krankenhäusern lernten die Schüler das andere Bildungssystem in der Ausbildung Krankenpflege kennen.
Sowohl der Sprachkurs Tschechisch, als auch der Teambuildingseminar verhalf den Schülern zur Stärkung der interkulturellen Kompetenzen speziell im deutsch-tschechischen Kontext. Weiterhin konnten die Schüler ihre Stärken und ihre Schwächen in der Teamarbeit beobachten und mit diesen arbeiten. Die erworbenen Kenntnisse konnten sie dann in der Arbeit im binationalen Team während des Praktikums anwenden.

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