Euroregion Elbe/Labe

30 Jahre der Freiheit



Lead Partner:

Schola ludus Tschechisch-deutscher Bildungsverein e.V
Altkaditz 23, 01139 Dresden

Project partner:

Biskupské gymnázium, Základní škola a Mateřská škola Bohosudov
Koněvova 100, 41742 Krupka 1


25.10.19 - 10.01.20


3380,56 Euro


The aim of the project is to establish mutual cooperation between the two partners and to combine common topics such as the events of the 1989 struggle for freedom, the common history, the cultural traditions of both countries and the support for education in SN and CZ. The PP will jointly implement the activities on the occasion of the 30th anniversary of the Peaceful Revolution and Freedom, within the framework of the presentation and exchange of the cultural traditions of both countries. The students of the PP will take part in the activities together and actively on a bilingual level. 1) The discussion group "30 YEARS OF FREEDOM" informs the pupils interactively about the events in both countries 30 years ago. The discussion round will be conducted in the spirit of the generational meeting on the common history of both countries and point to a common future. 2) The workshop “Ringing Keys” introduces the pupils interactively to the meaning and mysticism of ringing keys in the history of the Czech Republic. Various artifacts from this period are used, such as the flags for May 1st, tricolors, etc. 3) Community meeting “Strom / Baum”, a joint celebration of 30 years of freedom on the linden tree (a symbol of the Czech Republic) in Altkaditz. The public also takes part. 4) Two community meetings "Christmas market" and "Christmas appearance", presentation and exchange of cultural traditions of both countries, including expansion of cross-border cooperation and practical demonstrations of Christmas customs. 5) Final project evaluation, reflection and planning of further cross-border cooperation on a bilingual level, which will lead to the sustainability of the project. The project shows its sustainability, enables cross-generational, intercultural meetings and cooperation as well as participation in events not only for the teachers, but also for parents and grandparents. The project aims to address all groups of people equally, regardless of age, gender, origin, sexual orientation, with or without disabilities.

(This is an automatic translation by Google Translator.)

Ergebnisse, Mehrwert, Nachhaltigkeit

The result of the project will be a round table, a workshop and three community meetings on the topic of presenting and exchanging cultural traditions of both countries, including building cross-border cooperation on a bilingual level. The historical context of both countries is presented in the sense of the generational meeting about the common history of both countries, which look into a common future. Promoting and shaping the interest of the students in national traditions, patriotism and creativity, the creation of high-quality interpersonal relationships, learning of shared responsibility, empathy, tolerance and the development of social, personal and professional skills not only on a national level but also on a cross-border basis Contributions of the project: - Promotion and shaping of the students' interest in national history and tradition, patriotism and creativity in a cross-border dimension - Creation of high-quality cross-border human relationships - Learning of shared responsibility, empathy, tolerance - Development of bilingual, social and personal skills in both countries - Teaching through experience and mutual exchange - Promotion of language skills on a bilingual level - Development of communication skills - Cross-generational, intercultural cooperation The commemorative medallions for the 30th anniversary of the Velvet Revolution are made and distributed to the participants. In addition, a memorial plaque will be erected and attached to the linden tree in Altkaditz. The project will expand the cooperation network in the field of student exchanges, mutual support in the preparation of activities and the joint presentation of the project. The numerous friendships and personal contacts between Czechs and Germans should not go unmentioned, which arise as a result of the project and which, thanks to joint community activities, can be further developed after the end of the project.

(This is an automatic translation by Google Translator.)

Best practice

Im Rahmen des Projektes wurde bei der Linde in Altkaditz eine Gedenktafel eingebracht, die hier nicht nur an die die Ereignisse vor 30 Jahren erinnert, sondern auch vor Ort die enge Verbindung mit Nachbarschaft vorgestellt. Die künftige Verteilung der Gedenkmedaillons in der Form der touristischen Erlebnismarke locken weitere Öffentlichkeit, nicht nur aus dem Grenzgebiet beider Länder an.

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