Euroregion Elbe/Labe

Globales Klima und lokale Ereignisse




EEL-0642-CZ-04.11.2019 - Globales Klima und lokale Ereignisse

Lead Partner:

Umweltzentrum Dresden
Schützengasse 16 - 18, 01067 Dresden

Project partner:

Gymnázium Teplice
Čs. dobrovolců 530/11, 41501 Teplice


01.01.20 - 31.12.20


456,36 Euro


Climate changes are in close interaction with components of other systems. These include oceanic flow systems, atmospheric wind systems, the carbon dioxide content of the atmosphere or temperature differences. Due to the currently noticeable changes in the weather, the topic of climate change is also very topical in Saxony and Bohemia. Science, politics and economics deal with it and it has also arrived in the very personal environment. The current actions have contributed to the fact that the topic of climate change is hotly debated, especially among young people. The main focus of the debates is the anthropogenic greenhouse effect. Mainly through the burning of fossil fuels and changes in land use, people have made a major contribution to increasing the concentration of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere over the past 150 years. Even today, the concentration of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere is so great that too much heat is stored - with considerable consequences for the global climate. The aim of the project is to give the young people an orientation in the current, very complex discourse on climate change. The arc should be stretched from the global view to the very personal influence. This major global issue with all its problems does not stop at national borders and can only be tackled together. In addition to the scientific and social-scientific / artistic content, intercultural encounters and communication also play an important role in the project. In this regard, the project days are supplemented by voice animations. On a total of 16 project days (8 in DE + 8 in CZ), the students, divided into German-Czech groups, will deal with various components of climate change and investigate the question of how they will be personally affected by them and how they can act themselves . It is a mirror project. Each of the partners has submitted its own application to the responsible office of the Euroregion Elbe-Labe.

(This is an automatic translation by Google Translator.)

Ergebnisse, Mehrwert, Nachhaltigkeit

The students deal with the multitude of hot questions that arise in connection with the changes in the climate: is humans really to blame for the global warming, what is the greenhouse effect, how does our local weather depend on global water and / or air currents? Together and in small mixed groups, the students themselves will look for answers to these questions, whether in internet research or in prepared, ready-made bilingual documents as well as by means of artistic processing. They present the results to the others and discuss them among themselves. This approach enables the students themselves to evaluate and present the results they have found. The project thus makes a contribution that goes beyond the pure imparting of knowledge and enables the students to question this topic and, in the best case, to draw practical consequences for their own business. In addition to imparting specialist knowledge, the project also contributes to strengthening the intercultural competence of the participants. In order to promote intercultural understanding and communication, speech animations are therefore carried out on every project day. Active engagement with the topic of "climate" under the most varied of aspects is a good prerequisite for intensive German-Czech encounters. The establishment of contacts beyond the day can be promoted through intensive cooperation in solving project tasks. During the project days, the Czech and German students will discuss a specific topic from different perspectives, get to know each other and learn a lot about a place in both countries.

(This is an automatic translation by Google Translator.)

Best practice

Die geplanten Projektinhalte konnten wir leider nicht umsetzen. Trotzdem haben uns die intensive grenzüberschreitende Kommunikation sowie die ähnlichen Schicksale gezeigt, wie wichtig und notwendig der grenzüberschreitende Austausch und gegenseitiges rechtzeitiges Informieren sind.

Die – leider – Nichtselbständigkeit der EU-Errungenschaften, wie freier Personenverkehr und offene Grenzen ohne Kontrollen wurde eindeutig gezeigt. Den Projektpartnern ist dadurch mehr klar geworden, dass der Erhalt sowie weitere Entwicklung von diesen Errungenschaften immer wieder in Frage gestellt kann und dass es konkrete negative Auswirkungen hat, im Falle unseres Projektes vor allem für junge Leute.

Umso wichtiger ist es, auch in der Zukunft grenzüberschreitende Begegnungen sowie Austausche zu unterstützen sowie neue Formate dafür zu suchen.

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