Euroregion Elbe/Labe

Eiskunstlaufshow Doppelsprung Elbe/Labe 2019





Lead Partner:

Dresdner Eislauf-Club e.V.
Magdeburger Str. 10, 01067 Dresden

Project partner:

ASK Lovosice
U Stadionu 1022/2, 41002 Lovosice


01.10.19 - 15.11.19


8.252,11 Euro


The main goal of the double jump Elbe / Labe 2019 is related to / based on the very successful past camps that took place in 2018 in Lovosice and Dresden with our partner team. After the project, both clubs continued to meet regularly from April to June this year and trained together on the ice rink in Melnik. On this good basis of cooperation, we decided to launch another double training camp into the world. This focuses on the competition season 2019. The aim of the new camp is to prepare the children to be looked after for the upcoming competitions not only physically but also mentally. At the end of the camp there will be a joint performance and an individual run of the respective figure skating competition classes. The entire preparation for the competition season takes place not only on the ice, but also in the gymnastics hall with the aim of ballet, gymnastics, circle training, dynamics, flexibility, rotation and jump, which serve to strengthen the entire body and spatial orientation to support. An inseparable part and one of the main points are also the preparation of the specific freestyle of each individual competitor, the selection of the music and the associated choreography, which must meet the respective standards. The respective trainers will also exchange their experiences in training operations during the training camp. This promotes the exchange of experiences with one another. The training camp ends with a competition show that the children have practiced and rehearsed over the course of the camp. This marks the start of the new competition season. The children can feel the competitive atmosphere and test themselves. Furthermore, the children can compare their skills with the partner athletes and thus gain new experiences. The freedoms can later be used in public rather than in schools. The figure skaters are between 6 and 16 years old.

(This is an automatic translation by Google Translator.)

Ergebnisse, Mehrwert, Nachhaltigkeit

The aim of the project is a long-term and regular cooperation in the joint meetings of young figure skaters, the exchange of technically competent experiences among the coaches, the joint training both on the ice and during dry training. This gives the opportunity to initiate new friendships, overcome language barriers and the chance to improve the language learned from school. A very important point and goal is the presentation of figure skating to the general public and the opportunity for children and young people to pursue this sport in their free time. The performance in the figure skating stadium in Lovosice aims to bring a broad mass of spectators closer to figure skating and to attract new people interested in this sport. As with the previous project, it is a very important goal for us to support the meeting of the children in this sporting activity, to bring the children closer to new European cultures and to strengthen cooperation across borders. Furthermore, the skills in the field of figure skating are to be internationalized between the children as well as among the coaches. The possibility of further language training in the respective foreign language, but also to consolidate friendships with one another in connection with previous meetings, is also the focus here. The target group are children and adolescents aged 5-18 years. In the next few years we continue to expect that the club's base will expand, especially with the youngest children. In view of the fact that the base of the club is expanding, we want to increase the professionalism of the clubs and continue the cross-border cooperation with the existing clubs. The main advantage of international cooperation is the connection of the different figure skating schools and their methods of training, which lead to our success as well as the success of international competitors and coaches in the development and strengthening of European figure skating.

(This is an automatic translation by Google Translator.)

Best practice

Das Projekt beinhaltete ein gemeinsames Trainingslager des ASK Lovosice und des Dresdner Eislauf-Clubs e.V. in Lovosice, Tschechische Republik. Dafür wurden die Herbstferien 2019 genutzt. Die Hinfahrt erfolgte gemeinsam am frühen Morgen mit dem Bus.
In diesem Trainingslager wollten sich alle Sportler auf die kommende Saison sehr gut vorbereiten. Zur Vorbereitung konnten die gemeinsamen Erfahrungen der tschechischen und deutschen Trainer genutzt werden. Jeder Trainer hat Trainingsspezialitäten, die er den Sportlern vermitteln konnte (Pirouetten, Sprünge, Athletik, Tanz...). Um den Stand zu erreichen, wurden die erworbenen zusätzlichen Sportgeräte wie Balancekissen und Dehnbänder eingesetzt. Als Abschluss und Ziel wurden 2 Aufführungen initiiert, bei denen die Sportler ihr Können zeigen durften. Dazu wurde die Öffentlichkeit eingeladen, die sich die Chance auch nicht nehmen ließ. Vor Kindergarten- und Schulkindern sowie vor Erwachsenen wurden die Küren jedes einzelnen Läufers gezeigt. Dabei war je nach Altersklasse natürlich ein unterschiedliches Niveau vorhanden. Um aber jedem Läufer für seine beste Leistung zu motivieren, wurden kleine Preise (für jeden) ausgelobt.
Die Unterkunft wurde im einzigen Hotel, welches ausreichend Kapazitäten hatte und sehr gut fußläufig erreicht werden konnte, organisiert. Dort erfolgte auch die Essensversorgung vor und nach den anstrengenden Trainingstagen.
Die anstrengende Trainingswoche endete mit der Busfahrt nach Dresden.
Als wichtigstes Ergebnis kann die Zusammenführung von verschiedenen Trainingsmethoden zum Vorteil der Kinder beider Länder und natürlich die dabei entstandenen Kontakte erwähnt werden. Die Sprachbarriere überwinden Kinder wesentlich schneller als Erwachse. Vorteile sind dabei auch die gleichen Regeln im internationalen Eiskunstlaufsport, welche alle Kinder lernen müssen. Sport verbindet, das zeigt sich hier besonders.

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