Euroregion Elbe/Labe

Voneinander lernen! Planspielbegegnung



Lead Partner:

Reinhold-Becker-Str. 5, 01277 Dresden

Project partner:

Dům dětí a mládeže a Zařízení pro další vzdělávání pedagogických pracovníků Ústí nad Labem
Velká Hradebni 1025/19, 40001 Ústí nad Labem


15.01.20 - 31.07.20




The project aims to combine methods of intercultural exchange with the content of democratic education. The aim is to enable young people from both countries to meet each other in a project week, to explore the unknown environment together and to try out a business game - with a focus on the potential world of work. If, at the beginning of the simulation game, the focus is on pure creativity processes on a problem, the next, central step is about intercultural and democratic negotiation processes between the mixed nationality groups. The aim is to establish cooperation through democratic and tolerant behavior and to find common solutions. The project primarily focuses on young people and their schools who come from the Saxon-Czech border region and who have mostly no / hardly any experience with foreignness and people from other cultures. The prejudices and stereotypes that often arise nonetheless (even towards the direct "neighbor" on the other side of the border) are to be counteracted through the encounter week and shared experiences - among other things with the tried and tested method of the "business game". The trainers are experienced and trained in this method and in German-Czech encounters. In the project, the students are provided with a neutral space away from the school for mutual learning. The main focus is on German-Czech cooperation. Methods specially developed for international exchange enable intensive contact between the students. The preparatory meeting serves, among other things, to make adjustments to the methods, including with regard to gender-sensitive aspects. We will especially address young people from rural regions in the Euroregion in order to counteract the aspect of social disadvantage compared to the larger cities (e.g. Dresden). When choosing the meeting place, we as a team will make sure that the entrances are as barrier-free as possible.

(This is an automatic translation by Google Translator.)

Ergebnisse, Mehrwert, Nachhaltigkeit

The results for the participants are not physical products, but rather experiences and possible findings: - Sustainable gain of experience for the participating young people with regard to their intercultural and communicative competencies - The simulation game gives the participants individual insights into possible working world situations and associated cooperative processes. In the game situation, the participants learn about democracy-based negotiations. You learn to advertise your own ideas, find majorities and then implement them together; Accept other opinions, ideas, majorities and still get involved in the implementation. The aim of the two project partners is to get to know each other better through this project in order to deepen their prospective joint German-Czech encounter programs and to test the methodology of the simulation game and, if necessary, expand it for this target group.

(This is an automatic translation by Google Translator.)

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