Euroregion Elbe/Labe

Vom Mut in der Diktatur



Lead Partner:

Erkenntnis durch Erinnerung
Bautzner Straße 112a, 01099 Dresden

Project partner:

Collegium Bohemicum o.p.s.
Masarykova 1000/3, 40001 Ústí nad Labem


01.08.19 - 31.05.20


15000 Euro


The project is carried out in cooperation with the non-profit associations "Collegium Bohemicum" and "Post Bellum" in the Czech Republic. The project partners want to design and publish a poster exhibition together. The posters will be created in three languages in Czech, German and English and will also be presented online as PDF files on the websites of the three partners. The exhibition presents 15 people from five former "Eastern Bloc countries" who had the courage to oppose a dictatorial regime and stand up for freedom, democracy and humanity. In particular, the traces of the National Socialist and Communist dictatorship in the Czech Republic and Germany, but also in the other East Central European countries of Slovakia, Poland and Hungary are followed. Photos and documents complement the short biographies presented in the exhibition. In addition, the historical background is briefly described for each country in order to be able to classify the biographies. A slightly more extensive online presentation of the exhibition will be available on a separate website, presenting the history of the Czech Republic and Germany in greater detail. In particular, the causes and effects of the communist dictatorship are dealt with, but also briefly on the National Socialist dictatorship and its impact on these countries. Online presentation provides access that is particularly suitable for young people. For this purpose, for example, an online country puzzle is being considered, which can be linked to simple questions. This page should be accessible in the three languages German, Czech and English. It also introduces the institutions involved and invites you to take advantage of their offers. The project results serve to show the recent history of Central and Eastern Central Europe as a common history. The fact that it is presented briefly and in a generally understandable manner on the basis of personal fates enables low-threshold access and a large number of interested parties to be achieved. The project results are aimed at interested parties of all ages (from youth) and gender.

(This is an automatic translation by Google Translator.)

Ergebnisse, Mehrwert, Nachhaltigkeit

The finished poster exhibition is available as a printable file and can therefore be printed and exhibited as often as required. At the same time, it will be presented as a PDF download on the project partners' websites. A separate website is to be used to embed the exhibition in a somewhat more detailed history of the Czech Republic and Germany. Thanks to the trilingual offer, a broad group of people can be addressed, especially in the Elbe-Labe area near the border. The presentation also aims to address interested parties inside and outside Germany and the Czech Republic thanks to its multilingualism. The simultaneous preoccupation with the history of the Czech Republic and Germany makes one aware of the close connection between the two countries and generates understanding for the society of the respective neighboring country and East Central Europe. Thanks to the biographical approach and the concise historical explanations, the exhibition and online presentation are easily accessible. This enables them to convey the history of the neighboring countries of the Czech Republic and Germany as well as East Central Europe to people without prior historical knowledge. Since the exhibition will initially be advertised and shown in three public locations, it will attract residents and tourists from the German-Czech border region. At the same time, it invites you to visit the other country via the online presentation. This presentation is designed so that its content can be expanded. For example, biographies, documents or information on historical places can be inserted. This will also happen in future in cooperation with the project partners. An app can later be developed to make the content available on smartphones. The exhibition and online presentation convey that history is influenced by acting individuals and does not end at national borders, but is at the same time common European history. They increase mutual understanding, close knowledge gaps and invite people to exchange ideas across borders. In addition, the biographies shown speak of the courage of the individual and encourage civic engagement.

(This is an automatic translation by Google Translator.)

Best practice

Die Kooperationspartner Gedenkstätte Bautzner Straße Dresden (über ihren Trägerverein „Erkenntnis durch Erinnerung e.V.“), Collegium Bohemicum (Ústí nad Labem) und Post Bellum (Prag) konzipierten und veröffentlichten die Plakatausstellung „Mut in der Diktatur“ sowie das Online-Portal in den drei Sprachen Tschechisch, Deutsch und Englisch. Im Mittelpunkt der Ausstellung sowie des Portals stehen Zeitzeugen aus den fünf Ländern Tschechien, Deutschland, Slowakei, Ungarn und Polen. Um ihr Wirken in den historischen Kontext einordnen und würdigen zu können, werden die Zeitzeugenberichte von kurzen Länderportraits begleitet. Ausgehend vom Ende des Ersten Weltkriegs soll der Weg in die Teilung Europas durch den „Eisernen Vorhang“ (Iron Curtain) bis zum Jahr 1990 entlang zentraler Ereignisse nachvollziehbar gemacht werden.
Die Ausstellung und das Onlineportal vermitteln, dass Geschichte von handelnden Individuen beeinflusst wird und nicht an den Landesgrenzen endet, sondern gleichzeitig eine gemeinsame europäische Geschichte ist.

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