Euroregion Elbe/Labe

Präsentation der gemeinsamen sächsisch-tschechischen Geschichte im 18. Jh. im Rahmen der 260-Jahrfeier Finckenfang Maxen 1759/2019 vom 13. – 15.09.2019



Lead Partner:

Heimatverein Maxen e. V.
Maxener Straße 71, 01809 Müglitztal OT Maxen

Project partner:

Terezín - město změny
Velká Hradební 3118/48, 40002 Ústí nad Labem,


01.07.19 - 31.12.19


15.000 Euro


The aim of the project is to present the common Saxon-Czech history in the 18th century during the conflict between the two states in the Seven Years' War. More than 10,000 visitors took part in the celebration of the 250th anniversary. After 10 years we would like to make the population aware of this again on the occasion of the 260th anniversary. There has been close cooperation between the clubs on both sides of the border for many years. The living history is represented by soldiers 'camps, market place, old handicrafts, battle depictions of the Seven Years' War with the unspeakable consequences, historical baroque depictions, etc. The intention is to show the heights around Dresden, mainly in Maxen, with the intended depiction of the surrender of a Prussian general and the almost peaceful outcome of a battle of the Seven Years' War. The program has been prepared together with our Czech colleagues for a long time. Meetings to be coordinated took place in 2018 or with the depiction of the 2017 battle of the Seven Years' War in Prague. This project is not possible without the more than 12 years of Saxon-Czech cooperation. We would like to show the living stories of North Bohemia and Saxony during the unspeakable time of the Seven Years' War. After 10 years of mainly cooperation in the Czech Republic, the experiences of the Saxon and Czech clubs should once again be deepened in Saxony. Maxen is an important meeting place for performers from both countries and has the same status as the events of the Josephine celebration in Terezín. The friendly ties were also deepened at similar historical events (e.g. 2013 Peace Castle in Wermsdorf, 2017 260th anniversary of the Battle of Kolín and Prague, 2018 Liberec). Visitors from both countries interested in history are addressed, especially young people and schoolchildren. The story should be presented in a lively, captivating and authentic way, even with all the horrors of the Seven Years' War.

(This is an automatic translation by Google Translator.)

Ergebnisse, Mehrwert, Nachhaltigkeit

The teaching about the common Czech-Saxon history should be conveyed through popular and appealing forms of representation: soldiers' camp, marketplace, old craftsmanship, depictions of combat, depictions of hospitals, etc. The aim is to keep the traditions that have been built up together, to improve them, to live history and to deepen friendships. Also the search for historical actors in all population groups, stability of the association's work.

(This is an automatic translation by Google Translator.)

Best practice

Siehe Ausgabe Finckenfang vom 07.12.2019, hier stehen zusammengefasst alle Höhepunkte und Abläufe niedergeschrieben vom Presseteam des Heimatverein Maxen e.V. Wichtigste Projektergebnisse sind:
1. Zusammenkunft von historischen Darstellern im Dreiländereck: Deutschland, Tschechien und Polen. Wiederbelebung der Geschichtsdarstellungen anlässlich des 260jährigen Jubiläums
2. Grenzübergreifendes Kennenlernen von touristischen Zielen im Sächsisch-Böhmischen Bergland.
3. Familiäre Freundschaften, die in den 2 Ländern während der Veranstaltung und danach gepflegt werden.

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