Euroregion Elbe/Labe

Abenteuer im Thüringer Wald



Lead Partner:

THW Jugend Sachsen e. V.
Rottwerndorfer Straße 45p, 01796 Pirna

Project partner:

SH ČMS Sbor dobrovolných hasičů Chabařovice
Teplicka 375, 40317 Chabarovice


03.06.19 - 31.10.19


12.480,92 Euro


As part of this project, the children and adolescents of the THW Youth in Pirna and the SH ČMS Sbor dobrovolných hasičů Chabařovice are supposed to participate in the 17th Federal Youth Camp of THW Youth e. V. in Rudolstadt from July 27, 2019 to August 3, 2019. With various methods of child and youth work, the cross-border relationships are to be strengthened during the one-week encounter. Excursions are undertaken together and workshops are taken part. The children and young people share common experiences and have adventures together. For the first (and for a long time probably also last) time, the federal youth camp is taking place in the THW regional association of Saxony, Thuringia and thus in the vicinity of the project partners. It offers the ideal opportunity for an encounter lasting several days, which is so important for building and strengthening the relationship between the children and young people of the two project partners, as it always takes some time to “break the ice”. The national competition of the THW-Jugend eV is held as part of the national youth camp. It will take place on Sunday, July 28th, 2019. The children and young people of the THW Pirna also take part. The Czech partners follow the competition and explore the competition area. Also this year there will be an extensive supporting program for children and young people as well as performances by THW and THW youth. Nestled in the foothills of the Thuringian Forest and 40 kilometers south of the Erfurt-Weimar-Jena series of cities, Rudolstadt is an ideal starting point for exploring together. The fairy grottoes and the visitor mine in Kamsdorf, fun pools and bathing lakes, climbing gardens and summer toboggan runs, the Wartburg - there is a lot to discover and maybe one or the other adventure to be had. The cooperation between the two partners has existed since 2008 and is lived through several joint events each year. It should also be continued in the future. In order to pass on the idea of cooperation to the next generation, encounters lasting several days are of particular importance.

(This is an automatic translation by Google Translator.)

Ergebnisse, Mehrwert, Nachhaltigkeit

As part of the camp, the children and young people get to know the area of the Thuringian Forest together and exchange ideas in order to build or strengthen friendships. This creates the basis for future meetings between the children and young people of the two project partners and for the continuation of the cooperation. General prejudices against people from another country with a different language can also be broken down and intercultural skills can be acquired. During the encounter, the participants not only acquire technical knowledge, but also important social skills: they learn from each other, try out working in a team and experience cohesion in a group. In the federal youth camp, the importance of their voluntary work becomes clear to the participants and encourages them in their commitment. The encounter thus also fulfills the future-oriented task of THW Jugend Sachsen as a sponsor of free youth work: young people "encourage and lead to social responsibility and social engagement" (§ 11 SGB VIII). The German-Czech cooperation is also of practical relevance in disaster control (among other things, it is laid down in the Bayreuth Agreement). In order to lay the foundations for effective cooperation at an early stage, the consolidation of cross-border relationships is of particular importance. Participation in the federal youth camp makes it possible to build networks and consolidate existing contacts. The education of the children and young people of the two project partners as part of the federal youth camp will also serve disaster control in the future.

(This is an automatic translation by Google Translator.)

Best practice

Im Rahmen des Bundesjugendlagers 2019 in Rudolstadt sollten die Kinder und Jugendlichen gemeinsam die Gegend des Thüringer Waldes erkunden und sich austauschen.
Ziel hierbei war die Intensivierung der bestehenden Partnerschaft zwischen der THW-Jugend Sachsen und der FFW Chabarovice/ Tschechische Republik. Insbesondere der gemeinsamen Austausch, das Verfestigen von Freundschaften und die Verständnisförderung zwischen den Kindern und Jugendlichen beider Länder, Abbau von evtl. bestehenden Vorurteilen, Kennenlernen der Länder mit deren Kulturen und die Stärkung des europäischen Miteinanders beider Länder. Durch zahlreiche gemeinsame Ausflüge, sportliche Aktivitäten und einer gemeinsam gestalteten tollen Lagerzeit sind wir wieder ein Stück näher zusammen gewachsen. Dies zeigt auch die Planung neuer Projekte in 2020 (z.B. Jugendcamp im Mai 2020 in Sachsen).

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