Euroregion Elbe/Labe

Komplettierung Handball Elbe-Labe Liga für 7 -11 jährige Schüler



Lead Partner:

HSV Dresden e.V.
Lauensteiner Straße 21, 01277 Dresden

Project partner:

ASK Lovosice
U stadionu 1022, 41002 Lovosice


01.08.19 - 21.06.21


8136,81 Euro


After we have established the installed handball Elbe-Labe youth league, we would like to enable even the smallest handball players in Saxony and the Czech Republic to participate. To this end, we would like to involve the age groups from 7 to 11 years and also give these young athletes the opportunity to participate in the sporting and cultural exchange and to expand the game. Existing structures are used and the activities of the youngest are integrated. With an increase in the number of participants, the visibility and prestige of the league increases significantly and the existing cross-border contacts are increased and expanded. Additional game days will be organized in both countries. All activities are advertised and published in both countries, in the regional media and on the websites of both partners. In addition, it is published by at least 7 Saxon and 7 Czech associations. After the youngest possible age group has been installed, the sporting and cultural exchange between the two countries will be even more intensive and the regular exchange of coaches and supervisors will further raise the level of training and match operations. The target group of the project are young people between the ages of 7 and 11 who play handball in the districts, districts and further to the national comparisons and want to get to know the culture of the other country. In this age group, all parents and siblings of the athletes are included. Equal opportunities and non-discrimination are practiced by association members of different sex and national origin. Exchange students from other countries are involved in the project through the clubs.

(This is an automatic translation by Google Translator.)

Ergebnisse, Mehrwert, Nachhaltigkeit

With the participation of a total of six clubs (HSV Dresden eV, HC Elbflorenz eV, SG Nickelhütte Aue, HK FCC Mesto Lovosice, HK Banik Most, TK Lokomotive Louny) and the integration of the age group from 7 to 11 years from each country, the intercultural and sporting exchange significantly expanded. The reason for this is the increased involvement and participation of relatives in this age group, as they accompany your children more than with older adolescents. In addition, the project offers an exchange of linguistic and cultural opportunities even for smaller children. The large number of relatives to be expected to participate expands the scope of action and the resulting personal contacts are multiplied.

(This is an automatic translation by Google Translator.)

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