Euroregion Elbe/Labe

Urban Gardening ohne Grenzen



Lead Partner:

Apfelgarten-Strehlen e.V.
Eisenberger Str. 15, 01127 Dresden

Project partner:

Poláčkova 3241/12, 40011 Ústí nad Labem


28.01.19 - 27.01.20


4494,48 Euro

Logo Apfelgarten-Strehlen e.V.Logo ŽÍŽALA NA TERASE, z.s.


Jachým deletes Urban gardening has been a growing trend worldwide for years. In community gardens, city dwellers not only meet to garden, but also for many social activities. In Dresden there are already around 30 community gardens, in Ústí nad Labem only two. These two want to benefit from the diverse Dresden experiences. In May / June 2018 there were already two mutual visits. This gave rise to the idea of closer cooperation and the exchange of experiences, which should become a reality in 2019. For those involved, community gardens are more than just places for gardeners: they are places of togetherness and the active sustainable design of their own city. That is why the view over the garden fence, i.e. the exchange with other gardens and the entire urban community, is very important.

The community gardeners met between April and September 2019 for two joint weekends in Dresden and in Ústí. The intensive exchange of experience between the project partners focused on the one hand on technical topics, e.g. dealing with drought or building inexpensive facilities in the gardens (compost toilet, furniture, climbing aids, etc.) The exchange of experiences was implemented in a very practical way. To this end, the expertise of specialists was also used jointly at workshops, e.g. on dealing with drought, permaculture or building a composting toilet.

Both visits included an interesting supporting program, with city tours, museum visits, and a ride on the park railway. And of course there was no shortage of food, drink and play.

In Ústi, a small summer course in the German language was offered, also beyond the members of the community gardens. In Dresden there was a Czech language animation when visiting Czech friends. To spread the idea of urban gardening in Ústí and the surrounding area, a website was set up that provides information and serves to network the active.

(This is an automatic translation by Google Translator.)

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