Euroregion Elbe/Labe

Kolloquium und Ausstellung zum 750 jährigen Jubiläum der Burg Pirna



Lead Partner:

Landratsamt Sächsische Schweiz-Osterzgebirge
Schloßhof 2-4, 01796 Pirna

Project partner:

Státní oblastní archiv v Litoměřicích
Krajská 48/1, 41201 Litoměřice


30.11.18 - 30.12.19


5.197,75 Euro


The coming year will be dominated by the first mention of Pirna Castle 750 years ago. The archive association Pirna, as the “guardian” of the history of the district and the city of Pirna, would like to use the opportunity in cooperation with the state district archive Decin to discuss the history and development of Pirna Castle as a fortress and official seat in the city through a two-day interdisciplinary and supraregional colloquium To draw attention to the cultural landscape of Saxon-Bohemian Switzerland. At the colloquium, historical, archaeological, art-historical, monument preservation and economic aspects and questions from the German and Czech sides are to be brought into closer focus and considered. The following institutions want to participate - the Saxon. Main State Archives, the Staatl. Decin District Archives, the National Technical Museum in Prague, the Archives of Charles University in Prague, the Bohemian Switzerland National Park, the Saxons. Academy of Sciences in Leipzig, the archive of the city of Usti Nad Labem, the State Office for the Preservation of Monuments in Saxony, the State Office for Archeology, the Saxon Foundation. Pirna-Sonnenstein Memorial, Institute for Saxon History and Folklore, the Staatl. Kutna Hora district archive. The colloquium is to be combined with a multimedia exhibition in the reading room of the archive network, which focuses on other aspects of the historical development and which can be viewed by the interested public until the end of 2019 during the opening hours of the archive network can. The national exhibition is also being conceived in collaboration with Czech colleagues from the Děčín Regional State Archives (part of the Regional State Archives in Litoměřice).

(This is an automatic translation by Google Translator.)

Ergebnisse, Mehrwert, Nachhaltigkeit

The town and castle of Pirna were owned by Bohemians for a long time in the Middle Ages. The owner was one of the most important medieval rulers, Emperor Karl IV. The colloquium is to be used as an opportunity to present recent research and research results on the medieval and modern history of the development of the castle and fortress Pirna as well as the relationship between Pirna and Bohemia over the course of time . On this special occasion, the contributions of German and Czech historians and scientists are to be published in around 200 sheets of bilingual conference proceedings. (Depending on the design, summaries of topics or chapters in the other national language and with bilingual captions.) In addition, the exhibition, which is also designed in two languages, is to be open to a broad public until the end of 2019. We hope to reach a broad public with this colloquium, especially those interested in history in the Czech Republic and in Saxony, local writers, historians, local researchers. The technical possibilities for the exhibition in Decin are being examined. A further cooperation will arise primarily due to the existing and possible supplementary sources on various historical aspects in the archival area.

(This is an automatic translation by Google Translator.)

Best practice

Am 17. und 18 Mai 2019 fand im Kreistagssaal des Landratsamtes, im Schloss Sonnenstein, das Forschungskolloquium „750 Jahre Burg Pirna“ statt. An diesen Tagen hielten deutsche und tschechische Referenten Vorträge zu Themen rund um die Burg Pirna und die deutsch-tschechischen Beziehungen im Raum Pirna-Decin.
Eröffnet wurde die Veranstaltung am Freitagvormittag durch Herrn Heiko Weigel, Beigeordneter und Leiter des Geschäftsbereich 1 im Landratsamt, der stellvertretend für den Landrat und gleichzeitigen Schirmherr des Kolloquiums, Herrn Michael Geisler, anwesend war.
Danach folgten die äußerst ansprechenden Fachvorträge der Referenten. Es sprachen Herr Dr. Thomas Westphalen (Landesamt für Archäologie), Herr Dr. Mathias Kälble (Sächs. Akademie der Wissenschaften), Herr Jan Němec (Staatl. Kreisarchiv Decin), Herr Dr. Martin Wittig (Historiker), Herr Vojtěch Vaněk (Staatl. Kreisarchiv Kutna Hora), Frau Natalie Belisová (Nationalpark Böhmi-sche Schweiz) und Herr Dr. Markus Bitterlich (Festung Königstein).
Am Sonnabend referierten Herr Michael Plavec und Herr Marek Ďurčanský (Nationaltechnisches Museum Prag), Herr Dr. Frank Metasch (ISGV), Herr Dr. Boris Böhm (Gedenkstätte Pirna-Sonnenstein), Frau Andrea Tonert (Sächs. Staatsarchiv), Herr Petr Karlíček (Archiv Ústí nad La-bem) und Hr. Dr. Ralf-Peter Pinkwart (Landesamt für Denkmalpflege).
Während und nach dem Kolloquium bestand die Möglichkeit die Ausstellung im Lesesaal des Archivverbundes zu besichtigen. Diese ist seit dem 20. Mai während der Öffnungszeiten des Archivverbundes, öffentlich zugänglich.
Insgesamt waren 122 Zuschauer zu Gast, die äußerst interessiert den Vorträgen der Referenten folgten und in den anschließenden Diskussionen zahlreiche Fragen stellten.

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