Euroregion Elbe/Labe

Cargo Gallery @ TDKT18




EEL-0500-CZ-21.08.2018 - Cargo Gallery @ TDKT18

Lead Partner:

Kommunalgemeinschaft Euroregion OE/OE e.V.
An der Kreuzkirche 6, 01067 Dresden

Project partner:

CG Niké
Pěší 9, 40502 Děčín - Nebočady


15.08.18 - 31.01.19


10.885,47 Euro


The Czech-German Culture Days (TDKT) are being organized for the first time this year by the Elbe / Labe Euroregion in cooperation with the Collegium Bohemicum. We would like to bring the Cargo Gallery ship to the region for this event so that it can be used for events. The costs for the events are included in this application. A mirror application contains the costs for the Cargo Gallery itself. The Cargo Gallery will be located in Děčín from November 1st to 4th. Six events for which the project partners are responsible will take place on the ship. Then the journey continues to Dresden, for which three days are estimated. In Dresden we will hold nine events on the ship between November 8th and 11th. External partners will independently organize and finance other events on the ship that are not part of this application. An important activity on the ship will be a networking conference for cultural actors from the Elbe / Labe Euroregion on November 9th. This is intended to help strengthen cross-border cooperation in the field of culture within and outside the TDKT in the coming years. It also serves the declared aim of spreading the TDKT more from Dresden and Ústí into the region. In addition to the two project partners, the Liberec district as this year's partner region of TDKT and Kultur Aktiv eV from Dresden are also involved in the project. The project is aimed at all age groups and interested parties, as it provides a wide variety of activities for young and old, without asking about gender, race or ethnic origin.

(This is an automatic translation by Google Translator.)

Ergebnisse, Mehrwert, Nachhaltigkeit

The use of the Cargo Gallery for events should lead to a stronger media perception of the TDKT as well as to higher visitor numbers and thus support the goals of the TDKT and the Euroregion. On the one hand, the ship is to symbolically highlight the link between our region through the Elbe through events on both sides of the border. This should be used for a stronger public awareness of the TKDT. On the other hand, we hope that a ship as an unusual event location will lead to greater public interest and thus help the events to be more successful. In this way, the goal of the TDKT of bringing people on both sides of the border into contact with the culture of the other country can be better achieved. The networking conference will sustainably improve the cross-border cooperation of the cultural actors in the Euroregion Elbe / Labe and thus contribute to breaking down barriers between people. The stated aim of the TDKT is intercultural understanding, which in particular counteracts discrimination on the basis of ethnic origin. With regard to equality between women and men, care was taken to ensure that the content of the events does not conflict with this goal, but rather supports it where possible.

(This is an automatic translation by Google Translator.)

Best practice

Das Projekt Cargo Gallery @ TDKT18 beinhaltete eine Reihe von Veranstaltungen (Lesungen, Konzerte, Kabarett, Puppentheater, Aktivitäten für Kinder) auf dem Schiff Cargo Gallery im Rahmen der 20. Tschechisch-Deutschen Kulturtage 2018 in der Euroregion Elbe/Labe. Aufgrund des Wasserstandes der Elbe konnte das Schiff leider nicht in die Region kommen. Die Veranstaltungen wurden dennoch an Ausweichspielorten durchgeführt, wobei die Besucherzahl insgesamt unter den Erwartungen blieb.

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