Euroregion Elbe/Labe

Deutsch-Tschechische Nachwuchsförderung im Sportschießen



Lead Partner:

Privilegierte Scheibenschützen-Gesellschaft zu Dresden
Lanebrücker Straße 10, 01109 Dresden

Project partner:

ČSS, z.s. Ústecké krajské sdruzeni ČSS
U pramenu 2486, 44010 Louny


01.09.18 - 31.08.19




In the two regions of Dresden and Usti nL, exemplary youth work has been carried out in the Olympic shooting disciplines for years. In the project, the material and non-material resources available at the two project partners PSSG zu Dresden (D) and Schützenkreis Usti nL (CZ) are to be bundled for the training of young sport shooters, thereby achieving synergy effects. The aim is to include young shooters from the catchment area of the two project partners in the national squad of the respective national association. The project is long-term, all activities described for the period 2018/19 are to be continued in the future. The target group are young shooters between the ages of 11 and 14 who are organized in the associations of both project partners, regardless of their ethnic origin or religion. The project is supervised by 5 trainers (3 x D, 2 x CZ). The results of the project will be published on the homepages of both project partners as well as in the local press and trade press.

(This is an automatic translation by Google Translator.)

Ergebnisse, Mehrwert, Nachhaltigkeit

By bundling the material and non-material resources of both project partners, the quality of the young people's work should be improved across the board. This is intended to create the conditions for even more young talents to make the leap into the respective national junior squad. At the same time, the project should contribute to an optimal utilization of the shooting sports center planned at the Dresden location, which should gradually develop into a meeting place for young sport shooters from all over Europe.

(This is an automatic translation by Google Translator.)

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