Euroregion Elbe/Labe

Hockey United - Wir sind Eins!



Lead Partner:

Stadt Sebnitz
Kirchstraße 5, 01855 Sebnitz

Project partner:

Město Dolní Poustevna
Vilémovská 77, 40782 Dolní Poustevna


01.10.18 - 30.06.19


9.257,06 Euro


The project "Hockey United - We are one!" is a project that builds on successfully implemented projects from the past few years. It's about recreational and competitive sports that take place in both summer and winter: inline skating, figure skating, hockey. The project is already running for the tenth season and due to a positive reaction to the results of the past years, all age groups are included again, not only children and young people, but also adults. In the first few years the project was financed from private sources, in the following years from funding from the European Objective 3 Fund, the Ústí nad Labem region, the city of Dolní Poustevna and Sebnitz, the Elbe / Labe Euroregion and the Neisse / Nisa Euroregion. The 2018/2019 season is currently not financially secure and since the project has been very successful in the past and was popular and well attended by participants on both sides of the border, we want to continue this activity. Above all, the project has a positive effect on eliminating the language barrier and the city of Dolní Poustevna would like to continue the successful cooperation with the project partner on the German side, the city of Sebnitz, through this project. The aim of the project is to support leisure activities that prevent preventive socio-pathological processes. Regular project activities: a) from October 1st, 2018 to March 31st, 2019: - for approx. 30 children two hours of ice-skating lessons at the Rumburk ice rink - for approx. 20 children two hours of ice-skating in the ice rink in Varnsdorf - for approx. and hockey courses in the Rumburk winter stadium - the created ice hockey team regularly takes part in ice hockey competitions in Dolní Poustevna, Rumburk, Varnsdorf, Geising, Freital or Dresden. - Children, adolescents and adults take part in floorball lessons in the Soli Vital in Sebnitz b) from April 1st, 2019 to June 30th, 2019: - Children, adolescents and adults take part in inline skating in the stadium in Sebnitz or Dolni Poustevna

(This is an automatic translation by Google Translator.)

Ergebnisse, Mehrwert, Nachhaltigkeit

The following organizations are involved: • The town of Dolní Poustevna • Dolní Poustevna elementary school and nursery school • Gabriel Pelech elementary school and practical school in Dolni Poustevna • Schrödinger Institute • HC Kanci ice hockey club • Sebnitz city council • Soli Vital Sebnitz • Sebnitz administration Dolní Poustevna is a border town in the Šluknov region with the border crossing to the neighboring town of Sebnitz. The aim of local politics is of course not only the social area, but also good connections in all other areas that are important to the community in order to achieve a lasting improvement in the quality of life in the city. Both partners are successful in the project with long-term cooperation, activities and skills, further development is planned. Czech-German ice hockey teams have been put together and successfully represent us in hockey competitions. This project has been implemented several times in the past, both with own funds and with contributions from the Elbe Euroregion, the Ústí nad Labem region and the Nisa Euroregion. Participation of private sponsors or other funding titles is not expected. Now we would like to carry out this project again with the contribution of the Euroregion Labe, where our territory is assigned to this area. We believe that through this project our region will continue to be highlighted and made visible, and awareness of cross-border cooperation and the development opportunities for sporting activities in both countries will also improve. By working together, the prejudices of each other break, new friendships are formed while at the same time strengthening an active, healthy lifestyle. We want to implement this project, within the scope of the sporting activities and exercise offered, in order to offer a wide range of leisure entertainment to the public, regardless of nationality, age and sporting performance. The target group are mainly Czech and German children and young people and families with children and adult sports fans of ice skating and ice hockey from all over the Euroregion.

(This is an automatic translation by Google Translator.)

Best practice

Während der Projektlaufzeit wurden viele freundschaftliche, regionale und grenzüberschreitende Sportgeschichten geschrieben. In den letzten Jahren konnte sich beim Eishockey bzw. beim Inlinehockey ein konstanter Austausch sportlicher Aktivitäten in unserer Region entwickeln. Ob regelmäßige Trainings oder gemeinsame Wettkämpfe, das ganze Jahr über sind Teilnehmer beider Seiten der Grenze sportlich aktiv. Das betrifft den Nachwuchs in allen Altersklassen sowie die erwachsenen Sportler. Ein Vorteil dieser grenzübergreifenden Zusammenarbeit ist die ganzjährige Ausübung. Auch im Winter kann durch Nutzung der Eishallen wetterunabhängig trainiert werden. So konnten die Erwachsenen z.B. ihr erstes Spiel in der neu erbauten Arena in Dolni Poustevna als Städtederby bestreiten und sich wöchentlich in den Eishallen von Rumburk und Varnsdorf messen. Die Kinder trainieren ebenfalls wöchentlich gemeinsam zusammen und absolvieren mehrere Freundschaftsspiele miteinander. Dadurch entwickelten sich Freundschaften von Sebnitz nach Geising im Erzgebirge, Freital, Dresden über den „Schluckenauer Zipfel“ mit Dolni Poustevna und Varnsdorf sowie Jablonne (nahe Liberec) bis in die Oberlausitz nach Jonsdorf. Diese Art freundschaftlich-sportiver Begegnung wird sich auch in Zukunft weiter entwickeln und noch vielen Interessenten eine sportliche Heimat bieten können. Durch die grenzübergreifende Zusammenarbeit wird auch der Austausch von Kultur und Sprache auf beiden Seiten gefördert. Immer wenn sich die Eissaison dem Ende nähert, stehen Sprachkurse und das alternative Sommertraining im Vordergrund. Auch darauf freuen sich alle Beteiligten und sind dankbar für dieses gemeinschaftliche Freizeitangebot.

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