Euroregion Elbe/Labe

Wasser (ver)brauchen wir!





Lead Partner:

Umweltzentrum Dresden
Schützengasse 16 -18, 01067 Dresden

Project partner:

Gymnázium Teplice
Čs. dobrovolců 530/11, 41501 Teplice


01.01.19 - 31.12.19


10300,85 Euro


Water - it is called our elixir of life, it should be accessible to everyone as drinking water, but it is increasingly being marketed as an economic good, is sometimes too much or too little available, is consumed and polluted, can be solid, liquid or gaseous and plays a role in all areas of life an important role. We take it for granted that we can use water every day. High quality water treatment ensures good drinking water. Well-organized disposal and modern treatment means that our streams, rivers and lakes are relatively clean. The aim of the project is to familiarize the German and Czech students with these relationships in the form of joint project days. To show that it is not a matter of course that everyone has enough clean drinking water at their disposal, but that this depends on many factors - from natural resources to the technologies used. In addition to the scientific content, which relates to both German and Czech everyday life, intercultural encounters and communication also play an important role in the project. The project days are therefore supplemented by voice animations. A total of 6 joint German-Czech workshops in Dresden and 6 joint German-Czech workshops in Teplice for DE / CZ school classes from the shared border region are planned. The workshops will take place on school days in 2019. A total of around 90 German and around 90 Czech students (three 7th to 9th grades each from DE / CZ) are planned. In both Dresden and Teplice, the students will deal with the project topic in small German-Czech groups, both from a scientific and artistic point of view. All workshops are bilingual, with interpreters available. It is our concern, however, that the students communicate primarily with each other and independently (German, Czechs, English, with hands and feet ...).

(This is an automatic translation by Google Translator.)

Ergebnisse, Mehrwert, Nachhaltigkeit

The students deal with the availability of drinking water and the problem of water purification. What's in our wastewater and how can it be cleaned? The path from its generation through disposal to the first analytical investigations of the wastewater is followed. With the help of simple analysis methods, the students become “experts” and can give initial assessments of the composition of the wastewater. Scientifically with experiments and analyzes as well as artistically with colors and creativity, the topic is viewed from different angles. After working on a small scale in the laboratory, the students have the opportunity to understand the clarification process on a large scale on a guided tour of the urban drainage site. In addition to imparting specialist knowledge, the project also makes a significant contribution to strengthening the intercultural competence of the participants. In order to promote intercultural encounters and communication, speech animations are carried out in every workshop. The active discussion of the topic "We (ver) need water!" under the most varied of aspects is a good prerequisite for intensive German-Czech encounters and establishing contacts. During the workshops, the Czech and German students will discuss a specific topic from different perspectives, get to know each other and learn a lot about a place in both countries.

(This is an automatic translation by Google Translator.)

Best practice

Die in den letzten Jahren der gemeinsamen Zusammenarbeit gesammelten Erfahrungen zeigen, das auch sehr allgemein klingende Themen, wie „Wasser“ oder „Wetter“ usw. eine sehr gut Grundlage für die Umsetzung von grenzüberschreitenden, zweisprachigen Projekten gerade für Kinder und Jugendliche sein können.

Neben den notwendigen organisatorischen Aktivitäten - wie Abstimmung von Terminen (unter Berücksichtigung von sehr unterschiedliche liegenden Ferien und Feiertagen in beiden Ländern), die Gewinnung von Schulklassen beiderseits der Grenze zum gleichen Termin und passenden Alters-, die oft sehr anspruchsvoll und zeitaufwendig sein können, ist es sehr wichtig, an den Projekttagen nicht nur Wissen und Fakten zu lehren, sondern diese durch spielerische Elemente zu vermitteln und ganz praktisch erfahrbar für jedes Kind zu machen.

Damit werden auch die gefühlten, sprachlich bedingten Grenzen zwischen den Kindern und Jugendlichen aus beiden Ländern aufgebrochen und verstärkt durch die Sprachanimation beginnt die Kommunikation untereinander. So können ganz praktisch interkulturelle Erfahrungen gesammelt und Fähigkeiten erworben werden.

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