Euroregion Elbe/Labe

Eiskunstlauf-Camp Elbe-Labe 2018





Lead Partner:

Dresdner Eislauf-Club e.V.
Magdeburger Str. 10, 01067 Dresden

Project partner:

ASK Lovosice
U Stadionu 1022/2, 41002 Lovosice


01.06.18 - 31.10.18


9.634,19 Euro


The main goal of the ice skating project is to support the encounters of children in sporting activities, to get to know other European cultures and to strengthen the cross-border cooperation as well as to develop skills in figure skating both in the children and in the coaches. In figure skating it is a very important preparation of the children for the new season in both countries. The preparation takes place not only on the ice, but also in the off-ice area such as in the gym, with a focus on ballet and gymnastics, circuit training, dynamics, rotations to strengthen the entire body, orientation in space, flexibility, reflection and Dynamics. The trainers can also take part in the other training methods during the training and thus provide further training. At the end of the training there are endurance games together, in which children have to communicate on the ice in order to demonstrate teamwork. The main advantage of international cooperation lies in the connection between different figure skating schools and their coaching methods, which benefits both our competitors and our coaches in developing and strengthening European figure skating. The target group are children and young people between the ages of 5 and 18. In the coming years, we also expect a growing base for the youngest. Due to the growing membership base, we want to increase the professionalism of the clubs and continue to work with the partner club. We have planned a joint week camp in Dresden (August 13-17) and in Lovosice (October 8-12). At the end of the camps, competitions are held among children to compare the skills they have acquired. It is not only important for figure skating beginners to have a common camp and uniform equipment in order to increase the representation of the entire club and the region. Equal opportunities and non-discrimination are a basic requirement and are also reflected in the membership structure. There is also a proportion of boys and a large number of origins in the parent families.

(This is an automatic translation by Google Translator.)

Ergebnisse, Mehrwert, Nachhaltigkeit

The aim of the project is a long-term and regular cooperation when meeting young figure skaters, the exchange of professional experience among coaches, as well as joint training on the ice and off-ice training. Furthermore, there is the opportunity to make new friendships, overcome language barriers and the chance to apply language skills from school. An equally important goal is to appeal to the general public about possible cross-border leisure activities for children and young people in sport. In general, the advantageous cooperation should also develop in such a way that the ice options of the respective partner club are used. This means that ice-free periods at one project partner are bridged by using the ice at the other partner. This is essential for the sporting development at both locations with the focus on international competitiveness.

(This is an automatic translation by Google Translator.)

Best practice

Das Projekt beinhaltete 4 Treffen der Eislaufclubs aus Lovosice (ASK) und aus Dresden (DEC). Dabei war es Ziel die Begegnung von Kindern und Jugendlichen bei der gemeinsamen sportlichen Aktivität des Eiskunstlaufens zu fördern. Da das Eiskunstlaufen ein sehr vielseitiger Sport ist, konnten auch die Aktivitäten vielfältig sein. Dabei wurden Trainingseinheiten im Off-Ice-Bereich und natürlich auch auf dem Eis durchgeführt. Alle Aktivitäten können für die leistungssportlichen Ausrichtungen und zur Saisonvorbereitung der beiden Eislauf-Clubs genutzt werden. Da sich diese Sportart rasant schnell entwickelt, ist es von Vorteil international speziell auf dem Elbe/Labe-Bereich beschränkt, diese Entwicklung inhaltlich und methodisch mit den Partnern abzugleichen und neue Erkenntnisse zu gewinnen. Praktisch wurde das Projekt beim Camp I in Lovosice mit Athletiktraining und der Tanzausbildung begonnen. Beim zweiten Camp in Ceska Lipa konnten die Sportler das Eis nutzen, während die eigenen Heimstätten zu dieser Zeit abgetaut waren. Es folgten zwei 5-tägige Camps an den Heimtrainingsstätten in Dresden und Lovosice. Dabei hatten über 50 Sportler verschiedenen Alters die Gelegenheit gemeinsam zu trainieren, sportlich zu spielen und die Trainingsmethoden der jeweiligen Partnerclubs kennen zu lernen. Im Ergebnis konnte modernes und klassisches Tanztraining geboten werden als auch die Athletik und die Methodik auf dem Eis umgesetzt werden.
Sprachbarrieren wurden mit einer kindeigener Offenheit umschifft, während sich ältere Sportler englisch unterhalten konnten. Gleiches gilt für die Trainer, die sich aus einer anfänglich abwartenden Haltung im Laufe des Projektes zu einem Team entwickelt haben.

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