Euroregion Elbe/Labe

ScienceBorderStories - Wissenschaft über Grenzen hinweg



Lead Partner:

Technische Universität Dresden
Helmholtzstraße 10, 01062 Dresden

Project partner:

Univerzita J. E. Purkyně v Ústí nad Labem
Pasteurova 3544/1, 40096 Ústí nad Labem


23.06.18 - 28.02.19




The universities of the Saxon-Polish-Czech border region are important links in cross-border communication with a variety of activities. However, we determine 1.) the need to improve networking, 2.) the need for greater presence of joint projects and their effect in the triangle. The aims of the small project are therefore 1.) Creation and strengthening of the common scientific area of the border area SN-CZ-PL and 2.) Greater presence of ongoing project measures as well as achievements of the scientific actors in the example "storytelling". TU Liberec, Krajský úřad Ústeckého kraje, TU Chemnitz, HTW, Hochschule ZiGr, TUDD and the IOER. In a one-and-a-half-day workshop, scientists will learn methods and tools to increase the level of awareness of their projects planned or implemented in the border area SN-CZ-PL and their valorisation ("valuation"). The first afternoon focuses on the exchange of participants and the presentation of ongoing cross-border projects ("best practice examples"). The focus of the next workshop day is on raising awareness of the need for public relations work. The scientists learn methods (e.g. storytelling / testimonials etc.) to market their cross-border project measures / results more effectively. Further use of the project results on both sides of the border: 1) Higher degree of networking of the scientists and creation of synergies: interdisciplinary innovative project ideas 2) Communication strategies for disseminating the project goals among the population of the border area. This means that these EU-funded project results are better known and more effective expected; As a result, the active continued use and transfer of achievements of the projects is promoted. Equal opportunities / non-discrimination: In the small project, people of all genders will of course work and participate equally, regardless of ethnic origin, religion or belief, disability or sexual orientation

(This is an automatic translation by Google Translator.)

Ergebnisse, Mehrwert, Nachhaltigkeit

Public relations activities at project level are very heterogeneous and characterized by a high level of personal responsibility. As part of the small project, 30 scientists and 10 other participants are taught skills in order to achieve a sphere of activity outside of the scientific community. The workshop format (1.5 days) creates space for ideas and conception. The participants of the workshop learn tools for the contemporary communication of the results (active design, visualization, stronger marketing e.g. with storytelling / testimonials etc.) in order to bring them more sustainably to the region, to the residents of the border area. The small project makes a significant contribution to improving the cooperation between universities in the border region SN-CZ-PL. Cross-border cooperation is promoted with the stronger networking of the scientific actors in the triangle. Through key partnerships on the one hand, but also the networking of actors from different areas of knowledge on the other hand, new interdisciplinary approaches to solutions for the challenges in the border area can be developed.

(This is an automatic translation by Google Translator.)

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